Justice Department to Send Additional Federal Agents to Cleveland, Detroit, and Milwaukee

The crime operation is similar to those launched in current and past administrations, and are generally not a source of controversy. But President Donald Trump has focused on crime and law enforcement in his re-election campaign, accusing Democrat-run cities of being weak on the subject, prompting some mayors and governors to reject the federal efforts.
5 conclusions of a combative Barr audience

The dozens of agents and investigators to be dispatched in the coming weeks are from the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the U.S. Marshals Service.

They will work on gun cases and other criminal cases previously identified as within federal jurisdiction in coordination with local and federal prosecutors. Justice officials previously announced that hundreds of federal officials were dispatched to Chicago, Kansas City, and Albuquerque as part of an initiative called Operation Legend.

Attorney General William Barr said in a statement that, as part of the Legend initiative, “Justice Department assets will complement local law enforcement efforts as we work together to remove shooters and chronic violent offenders of our streets. “

The Justice Department said it will also provide millions of dollars in funds to cities to aid crime action and to hire additional local officials.

Federal law enforcement agencies fear their work will be politicized

Some critics have combined the anti-crime initiative with the separate week-long standoff between federal officials and nightly protesters outside federal court in Portland, Oregon. The largely peaceful protests have turned into violent daily confrontations with the federal equivalent of SWAT teams protecting the courthouse.

Federal law enforcement officials have also been concerned that activities in Portland hinder regular coordination with local police departments.

Oregon announced Thursday that some federal officials from the Customs and Border Protection agency are being replaced by the state police.
