Jupiter, Saturn will form a ‘double planet’ before Christmas

Jupiter and Saturn will arrange to create a mostly “double planet” in the night sky in December – and that will happen just before Christmas.

What’s going on?

Popular mechanics report that Jupiter and Saturn will align for the first time in centuries. In fact, the two planets have not been this close since the Middle Ages.

  • On December 21 both planets will appear as double planets – the winter solstice.
  • From December 15 to December 25, the two planets will be separated by less than the diameter of the moon.

Main Price:

  • “Arrangements between these two planets are very rare, occurring every 20 years or so, but this connection is rare because of how close the planets are to each other,” said Rice University astronomer Patrick Hartigan. As stated. “You have to go all the way at 4 o’clock at night, just before early morning on 1226, to see the close alignment between these objects appearing in the night sky.”

When to see it

The two planets will be aligned after sunset in the Northern Hemisphere. According to Yahoo, Saturn and Jupiter will appear together in the southwestern part of the sky. Finance.