July 4 Weather Forecast :: Most of the US to Rise in the 1990s

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Temperatures across Texas will rise to more than 100 degrees, with the temperature feeling like eclipsing 103 degrees in the Dallas / Fort Worth and Oklahoma City metropolitan areas, and 108 degrees in places along the Red River.
A life-threatening weather pattern is being created across the central United States.

People should take precautions while celebrating the holidays and make sure they are aware of the signs of heat stroke.

The Gulf Coast will also see heat ratings of 100 degrees, but will get much-needed relief from heavy rains as a storm system moves along the coast toward Florida.

The northern plains may see some intense storms, but will not be able to escape temperatures in the 1990s. Colorado and northern New Mexico could also see rain, which will help alleviate the heat.

The Northeast will be one of the most pleasant places in the country. The region will avoid the intense heat and rain this July 4, with Boston and New York seeing temperatures in the 1970s and 1980s under clear skies and light wind.

Portland and Seattle will see similar conditions, with highs in the mid-1970s.

The Midwest will suffocate with above-average heat, with temperatures in the 1980s under mostly sunny skies. Chicago will see a high in the mid-80s. The areas along the lake shore will feel a little cooler.
