- On July 20, 2020, there will be a (second) new moon in Cancer.
- This new moon will make you rethink your emotional well-being.
- The new moon in Cancer will affect all the signs of the zodiac, but Cancer and Capricorn will feel it more.
Little-known but super cool astrological fact: Sometimes two new moons successively occur in a single zodiac sign. The rest of the year, there is a new moon in a different sign each month. Think: a new moon in Aries, a new moon in Gemini … you get the point.
Well, this year there are two new moons in Cancer. The first occurred on June 20 and now there is a second new moon on July 20, 2020. Double whammy, what?
However, the second new moon in Cancer is not a carbon copy of the first. This month, it will make you question your emotional well-being and what it takes to achieve your best mental health (or something like that), according to Donna Page, a certified astrologer in Atlanta.
However, a little more is happening with this new moon. This is what your zodiac sign can expect from the (second) new moon in Cancer.
What does the new moon in Cancer mean for your sign?
JIC: You are not a fan of astronomy, the moon has different phases and a new moon is when the earth is aligned with the sun. That alignment can make the moon look quite invisible from where you are standing. There are ~ usually ~ 12 new moons a year, each tied to a different astrological sign. But, in some years, there are 13 new moons, which lead us to what is happening now. Because 2020
This new moon will make you control the temperature of your emotional well-being. You’re good? I like it, Really either, or just masking what’s really going on inside obsessively re-watching the first season of Sell Sunset In preparation for the premiere of the third season?
During this new moon, Saturn is exactly the opposite of Cancer in Capricorn, which gives you a solid idea of what is working in your life and what, ahem, no. So, maybe you’ve completely gotten through all this staying at home, but you’ve learned that your #cuarantinebaking skills aren’t exactly Instagram-worthy. Also, you may realize that you are not super cool forgiving and forgetting, but you cannot have everything be perfect, right?
Speaking of which, this new moon will bring with it the understanding that life is not always easy, and that is fine. If all **gestures in general ** These days it’s a little more difficult than it was last year, but you have this.
Just a word of warning: You can make a small emotional change between feeling like you’re super restricted in life and the glass is half full. Just try to lean more on the latter, and you’ll be good.
The new moon will impact all signs, but Page says that Cancer and Capricorn will feel it more.
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How will the new moon impact Cancer the rest of your year?
The new moon in Cancer will help you to be real with yourself. You will feel more in touch with your emotions (the real ones, not the “I’m fine, boys! ones) and, tbh, that’s a good thing. After all, if you can’t be honest with yourself, who can you be honest with
Taking a pace to think about what you need to improve in your life can force you out of your comfort zone and make a change. Maybe you decide you want a totally remote job and are looking for something new, or maybe it’s as simple as watching some YouTube tutorials to expand your home chef skills. Bottom line: harness your thoughts and feelings = better results for you.
Ultimately, realizing that life isn’t always perfect is a hard pill to swallow, but it will ultimately help you to be more resilient, now and in the future.
When is the next new moon?
The next new moon is August 19 in the sign of Leo. During this time, you will realize how much you love receiving accessories from others, as you learn to accept criticism.
Until then, feed your mental well-being. It is a clutch movement, especially these days.
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