Julianne Hough and Ex Brooks Laich celebrate their 32nd birthday

  • Julianne Hough celebrated her 32nd birthday at a pool party with the former Brooks Laich.
  • Julianne was filmed jumping into her pool and smiling alongside her ex.

    Birthday parties mean cake, balloons, singing, and apparently hanging out with your ex (???). It appears that Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich continue on friendly terms because the two were spotted together at Julianne’s 32nd birthday party on July 25.

    Partygoer and Julianne’s best friend Nina Dobrev shared videos and photos from the fun adventure. The sun shone on all their smiling faces as they celebrated Julianne’s special day. But, the eyebrow moment came when Julianne jumped into the pool to apparently swim with Brooks.

    julianne hough brooks laich


    Nina posted the sweet video on Instagram, writing, “Now this is how you land.” Hahaha But in all seriousness it’s nice to see that Julianne and Brooks still have some kind of relationship. It was devastating to know that they were separating after two years of marriage.

    They made the announcement in a statement to Persons, where they explained the details of their separation. “We have taken with love and care the time we have needed to reach our decision to separate,” they explained in a joint statement. “We share a great amount of love and mutual respect and will continue to lead with our hearts from there. We kindly ask for your compassion and respect for our privacy in the future.”

    But, a source said We weekly that Julianne is not dealing well with their separation. “Julianne is not doing very well right now and feels that her brown hair is a reflection of her feelings,” said the source. “She is super upset.”

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    She usually wears blonde (sometimes red) locks, but she has recently kept her hair darker after briefly dyeing her hair pink. The good news is that at her party, she wrote that she was “Feeling super loved right now!”

    We hope that feeling lasts.

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