Joseph Baena gets a serious pump with classic bodybuilding movement

You just can not keep Joseph Baena out of the gym. Which makes sense, considering how much he takes to his father, bodybuilder-turned-action legend Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The 22-year-old bodybuilder has already spent a great deal of time (as in swollen) fitness love quarantining to get in even better shape, working out in his home gym, showing off his gains on social media, and perfecting his recreations of some of his father’s most iconic physical positions.

And while his favorite Gold’s Gym in Venice might have resurfaced, Baena did not get the chance to do some training outside on Saturday. It’s safer, of course, because it’s easier to keep social distance out, but Baena mostly wanted to catch some rays.

“Nothing like the good ol ‘tan-pump combo,” he wrote in the title of his latest workout video on Instagram, where he can be seen performing several reps of a barbell series.

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“Baena does a straight line, a classic bodybuilding exercise designed to straighten the shoulders, and in particular the back deltoid,” says Men’s health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel CSCS “It’s a movement that a lot of guys do, but it’s usually not the best option for the general public.”

“If elbow height is shoulder height, that could be a compromising position for shoulder bones, so be careful of this,” he continues. “When doing straight lines, remember to press your shoulder blades and not pull too high. Or, better yet, close the barbell for dumbbells, which allow more freedom of movement. But in general, remember that you have a wealth of movements to reach your back valleys, and this, very often, is not your best option. “

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