John Mulani said the Secret Service was investigating his “SNL.” Made after the joke

John Mulani told Jimmy Kimmal that he was investigated by the Secret Service after a joke he made in February. Saturday Night Live.

Manny Lane gave a detailed account of his experience during his appearance on Tuesday Jimmy Kimmel Live. He said, ‘I made a joke that wasn’t about Donald Trump.’ “The joke was how it was a leap year and the leap year was started by Julius Caesar to improve the calendar and the other thing that happened with Caesar was that it was stabbed by a mob of senators’ because he went insane. And I said, ‘That’s an interesting thing that could happen.’

He said the joke led to an investigation. “Have I checked that the file has been opened on me? Absolutely. I enjoyed it for a moment? Not so much, ”he added. “But the person who investigated me was very discreet.” He said investigators understood that his beat had nothing to do with Trump and that “it was an elliptical reference to him,” he explained. “I didn’t say anything about it.”

“They were very nice in the interview,” he added. “In terms of risk assessment, no one who has ever looked at me thought I was registering one.”

He was then asked if he should know anything else, and he thought of doing bad things like sniffing glue when he was a child, but he was explicitly stating that he had no online adventure or manifest against Trump. No. “I said, ‘No, I have a bad habit of writing. I could never. Mulani came clean with him about “making fun of him for 13 years”. In the end, Mulane said they had been “cleared by the Secret Service, I have been told.”