Joe Delaney died 37 years ago today

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One of the least known but most compelling stories in NFL history happened 37 years ago today.

Runner chiefs Joe Delaney died on June 29, 1983. He died trying to save three children who were drowning. He tried to save three children who were drowning even though he couldn’t swim.

We mention the story every year, for a couple of reasons. (This year, we have mentioned Joe a few times.) First, the moment I learned that Delaney had died remains etched in my memory, a fact when reading the local newspaper with a bowl of cereal a few weeks after graduate school. Second, every time we mention the Joe Delaney story, I hear from multiple readers who have never heard of Joe Delaney.

Every NFL fan should know about Joe Delaney. Everyone in America should know about Joe Delaney.

This year, his message of extreme disinterest carries more weight than usual. Every year, her story must be remembered and told, hoping to inspire those who have never heard of Joe Delaney before.