Joe Biden opens 15-point lead over Trump in new national poll

The majority of registered voters (52%) report that they will support Biden in the general election, with 37% in favor of Trump, a wider margin than in the June Quinnipiac poll, when 49% endorsed Biden and 41% to Trump.
An NBC / WSJ poll released Wednesday also finds that Biden leads Trump by a growing margin, Biden with 51% support among registered voters over Trump’s 40%. In the June NBC / WSJ poll, Biden led Trump with 49% to 42%.

The poll also finds growing disapproval of Trump’s job performance, with a noticeable change in the economy, where reviews of Trump’s performance have turned negative. The economy had been the only problem in which Trump had a net positive rating in Quinnipiac’s polls, but now 44% approve, while 53% disapprove of his performance.

However, the NBC / WSJ poll doesn’t find the same investment. Most registered voters (54%) approve of how Trump is managing the economy in that poll, 42% disapprove, stable since his February poll. Significantly less approve of how Trump is handling race relations (33%) and the coronavirus (37%), according to NBC / WSJ.

Overall, the survey reveals that 36% of registered voters approve of the way Trump is handling his work overall, and 60% disapprove, compared to 42% approving and 55% disapproving in June. .

The poll also finds Biden outperforming Trump when voters are asked who would do a better job managing the economy: 50% say Biden and 45% for Trump, a reversal from June when 51% said Trump would do a best job, 46% Biden

Biden also has broad advantages over Trump over who would do a better job addressing racial inequality (+32 points for Biden), managing the coronavirus response (+24 for Biden), medical care (+23 for Biden), and managing a crisis ( +19 for Biden).

The majority of registered voters (61%) disapprove of the way Trump handles reopening of schools, while only 29% approve. Trump’s approval on this issue is almost the same among parents of children under the age of 18 (30%).

Quinnipiac’s poll shows that the majority of voters (62%) think that it will not be safe to send students to elementary, middle and high schools in the fall, 31% believe it will be safe. In May, 40% felt it would be safe to send students back to school. About the same number (34%) thought it would be safe to send college students back in the fall.

The survey shows that parents were slightly more likely to believe that sending children to elementary, middle, or high school would be safe: 37% among all parents, 38% among those with children in public school.

The NBC / WSJ poll shows that 57% of registered voters would prefer to vote for a candidate for president or US Congress.

A separate state poll also gave Trump some bad news in a key state.

A Pennsylvania Monmouth University poll, also released Wednesday, finds that Biden leads Trump significantly: Biden with 53% of registered voters, 40% for Trump.
The Quinnipiac University poll was conducted July 9-13 among a random national sample of 1,273 registered voters. It has a sampling error margin of plus or minus 2.8 percentage points.
The NBC / WSJ poll was conducted June 9-12 among a random national sample of 900 registered voters. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.27 percentage points.
