Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by 14 points in NYT / Siena College poll

The poll, released Wednesday, shows the former vice president ahead of Trump by 14 points, a margin reflecting the CNN poll earlier this month that found Trump behind Biden by 14 points. Fifty percent of voters registered in the New York Times poll said that if the 2020 elections were held today, they would vote for Biden and 36% said they would vote for Trump. Biden also has a double-digit lead among independent voters, with 47% saying they would get their vote and 29% voting for Trump.

The alleged Democratic presidential candidate continues to lead in support of black and Latino registered voters, with 79% of blacks and 64% of Latinos saying they will vote for Biden. It is also firm with Trump’s support among white and male voters, with 44% of whites saying they will vote for Trump and 43% voting for Biden. Forty-three percent of men said they would vote for Biden, while 40% said they would vote for Trump.

See Trump and Biden face-to-face polls
The latest CNN polls and surveys from other major news organizations also show Trump is losing support with Biden gaining momentum after the recent chaotic months shaken by the coronavirus pandemic, an economic downturn, and national protests against racism and police brutality against blacks.

When asked about how Trump handled his job as president, 47% said they strongly disapproved and 26% said they strongly approved. The survey also shows their fight against the coronavirus pandemic, with 58% disapproval and 38% approval. Fifty percent approve of the way it handles the economy, and 45 percent disapprove.

The majority of voters, 61%, also disapprove of how the President has handled race relations and 33% approve. When asked about his handling of the protests over George Floyd’s death, 62% disapprove and 29% approve.

The poll was conducted among 1,337 registered voters June 17-22 and has a margin of error of +/- 3.0 percent.
