This week’s devastating presidential debate was interrupted by Saturday Night Live as NBC’s Come Come Medi Variety show returns to its 46th season, with Alec Baldwin making his role as President Trump and Jim Carrey making his debut as Joe Eden.
In the sketch, Biden is instructed to take care of Harry’s style to control his anger, Trump sits on a helpless Chris Vlace lace with steam, and Kamala Harris reprimands both candidates knowingly like children.
The cold open debate begins with the presenter, saying: ‘We felt it was important to look at it again, because it could just be a presidential debate.’
‘And it was fun to watch – as long as you don’t live in America,’ Nerer added.

Alec Baldwin returned to Saturday Night Live for its 46th season premiere and reprimanded President Trump for his role. In the image above, the president brags about his ‘mask’, which is actually a pair of pink thong underwear.

The show featured Maya Rudolph (left) as Senator Kamala Harris and Jim Carrey (right) as Zidane

Beck Bennett played the role of Chris Wallace, who struggled to gain control of the president’s first debate on Tuesday.
It starts with Fox News reporter Chris Valace Les, played by Cold Open Back Bennett, saying: ‘I think tonight I’m going to do a really, really good job.’
In real life, Wallace was widely criticized for not taking control of the debate, which often escalated into a roaring match as candidates often interrupted each other.
When Valce asks Les Trump to shut up, she replies: ‘Tell my friend Chris that.
‘Now let’s get this show on the road and off the train.’
When Wallace asks Trump if he took the coronavirus test that he ‘promised to take in advance’, the president replies: ‘Absolutely. Respect to the scout. ‘

Carey began his Biden impression. When he came out on stage, he wore Biden’s signature aviator sunglasses.

S.N.L. Mocking candidates, portraying Trump as a child prodigy and Biden as an elderly man suffering from cognitive decline
In real life, Valace Lace said there was no confirmation before this that Trump tested negative for COVID-19 before the debate and that the “honor system” was in place, assuming the president was not ill.
Trump is currently at Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, undergoing treatment for Covid-19 after a trip to Cleveland for Tuesday’s discussion.
In the sketch, Wallace tried to introduce Biden, but Trump stopped laughing and laughing at Biden’s home state of Delaware, saying “not even the real state.”
When Valace introduces Les Biden, Carrie emerges wearing aviator sunglasses that the former vice president often sees in real life.
Carey will play the role of Biden this season – a role that will be played by SNL through the selection of Woody Herrelson and Jason Sudekis. Has been played on.
S.N.L. The discussion on Biden begins using a measuring tape to stretch his lectures six feet away from Trump.

Harry Stylo made a cameo, describing a meditation tape to calm Biden

Trump’s meditation tape was a description of a fiery speech delivered by Kimberly Gilfoil, a former Fox News host in a sketch by cast member Sicily Strong.
In the sketch, Biden scoffs that he has ‘4646 weird ideas that I can or can’t access’ – a reference to this perceived cognitive collapse that has led some to question whether the one-year-old former vice president is too old. To serve as Commander-in-Chief
‘I hold my bladder. Let’s think about it, “Biden said.” He’s going out to meet his enemy, Trump.
S.N.L. In the sketch, Trump expressed his enthusiasm for the Supreme Court nominee ‘Amy Cristina Barcelona’.
In real life, the nominee’s name is Amy Connie Barrett. S.N.L. Trump’s character in the sketch embarrassed his name with the title of the 2008 Woody Allen film Vicky Cristina Barcelona.
Trump’s SNL The parody version says in the sketch, ‘It felt great to greet him with open arms and covered faces.’
The joke was a reference to a White House reception for Connie Barrett, held last Saturday, which is now believed to be a ‘super spreader’ that could possibly result in a covid-19 infection in many of the participants.

Harris then said he would bring the order out for an out-of-control debate, while the United States said it needed a “WAP – woman as president.”
They include Utah Senator Mike Lee; Former assistant Kelly Conway; Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie; The President of the University of Notre Dame, the Reverend John Jenkins; Trump; First Lady Melania Trump; And maybe others.
S.N.L. In the sketch, Biden continues to calm himself as he is repeatedly interrupted by Trump: saying: ‘Flash the same smile they taught you when managing anger.’
When Wallace tries to ask Biden another question, Trump interrupts again, saying “he won’t answer any questions about his son, Hunter and Burisma and spying on the mayor of Moscow and Obama.”
Wallace tries to get the discussion back on track by directing Biden a question.
When Trump is interrupted again, Biden replies: ‘Dude, will you just shut up?’
During a real-life discussion on Tuesday, Biden angrily asked Trump to “shut up”, at one point calling him the “clown” and “bad president” of US history.
In the cold open, Biden breathes in a brown paper bag to gain control over his emotions.
After calming himself, Biden then starts talking but loses his thinking.
Then it’s Trump’s turn to speak. It’s about the importance of ‘law and order’ and ‘facing the consequences of one’s actions.’ Speaks about.
When Wallace brings Trump’s tax, the president says: ‘There have to be exceptions, Chris.’
‘Law and order is a very vague word and to break the rules.’
S.N.L. In the sketch, Trump flouted the rules on wearing a mask.
“I got my mask from here,” the president says.
To stick to his feelings, Biden then starts listening to a meditation tape allegedly by Harry Styles, who made a cameo as himself on the show.
Trump then listens to his own meditation tape, although this one is described by Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Gilfoil, a former host of Fox News.
Gilfoil is played in a sketch by cast member Sicily Strong, who makes a joyful impression of the fiery speech delivered on the first night of the Republican National Convention.
Screaming at the top of his lungs, Strong told Gilfoil: ‘Women and gentlemen, leaders and fighters for freedom and liberty and the American Dream, have yet to come!’
Valace Lace said to restore order: ‘Mr. President, if you keep interrupting this discussion, I will not do anything about it. ‘

Using the remote control to ‘pause’ Trump, the sketch ends with Biden and appeals directly to the American people.
“I’m not going to be distracted by this clown anymore,” says Biden.
As the former vice president goes for a one-on-one breakfast, he gets distracted by the laser pointer that Trump aims at him.
When Wallace tells Trump to stop, the president says: ‘He’s not a laser pointer. It is the stick that heals the covid. ‘
At this point, Biden’s running mate Senator Kamala Harris, played in a sketch by former permanent cast member Maya Rudolph, emerges from the backstage.
‘Boys, boys, boys, this stops right now,’ he says.
Harris told Trump, ‘You’re not going to treat my Joe like that.
After the president apologizes, Harris says: ‘America needs WAP – women as president.’
‘WAP’ is also the title of a recent hit song by Cardi B.
S.N.L. In the sketch, Harris says that he was ‘HVPIC. – The charge will compromise for the hot vice president. ‘

“This November, please get on the Biden train, which literally travels to Delaware,” says Biden. ‘We cannot all actively re-activate America on fire’.
A bored Biden uses the remote control to ‘stop’ Trump.
Biden wonders if “science and karma can somehow team up and send us a message about how dangerous this virus is” infecting the President with COVID-19.
He then keeps an eye on Trump, who is still stable.
“I’m not saying it happens to me,” says Biden. ‘Imagine that.’
‘This November, please board the Biden train, which literally travels to Delaware.’
He added: “We cannot all actively run America on fire again.”
Biden then calls Trump a “pause”, shouting: “Antifa!”
‘No, he can’t,’ says Biden. ‘I’m going to stop him.’