Jay-Z and Pharrell collaborate on new song ‘Entrepreneur’

Their new song “Entrepreneur” drops on Friday in collaboration with Williams’ new Time Cover, “The New American Revolution,” described as “a special project … that explores America’s explored past – and the potential for a reasonable future.”

Some of the lyrics rapped by Jay-Z: “Black Twitter, what is that? If Jack gets paid, do you?” in reference to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

“The intention for a song was all about how hard it is to be an entrepreneur in our country to begin with,” Williams told Time. “Especially as one of color, there are many systemic disadvantages and deliberate blockages. How to start a fire, or even the hope of a ember to start a fire, if you start with disadvantages regarding health care, education and representation ? “

He added, “The song tries to communicate that if we love each other, treat each other better and welcome each other, there is more money and more opportunity for everyone.”

“Entrepreneur” is produced by Williams and Chad Hugo.
