Jaw-dropping photos show how Hurricane Laura looks out of space

a large waterfall over a wave

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On Earth, Hurricane Laura is one of the most dangerous and destructive forces of nature we have seen in some time. In fact, the Category 4 storm system is the largest the region has seen in a century, and it poses a major threat to several southern and mid-southern states, as it runs northeast across the country, with high winds, heavy rain, and possible tornadoes. So far, thousands of Gulf Coast residents have been without power since the hurricane struck at 1 p.m. From space, however, Hurricane Laura appears quite different: a quietly imposing cloud formation that is nothing short of visible, Juster, a NASA astronaut and Chris Cassidy posted these absolutely stunning images of the International Space Station storm:

Yes, that’s a picture of a hurricane bound for the windiest storm in Louisiana’s history – and one even bigger than Hurricane Katrina of 2005. But NASA astronauts are not the only ones with a aerial photo of Hurricane Laura. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also released these beautiful images and videos:

The people at the Weather Channel contributed these:

Atmospheric scientist at the University of Albany, SUNY, Philippe Papin recommended this wonderful video:

And a Canadian-based Twitter account that is a weather fan posted the following from NOAA.

Since the attack, Hurricane Laura’s winds have returned to 85 mph, but so far at least one death has been recorded, while more than 500,000 Louisiana residents – and more than 125,000 in Texas – are already without power. We can only hope that everyone stays as safe as possible. And to learn more about these horrible natural phenomena, you need to read these 18 hurricane facts to put you in honor of mother nature.

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