It’s Everyone vs. Janelle En Kaysar – Big Brother Network

For some reason, someone who never made a jury (Kaysar) and one was voted her fourth season (Janelle) fourth, the biggest goals in the Big Brother 22 house. Even though there are two winners and four runners left in the house. Despite those figures, it is everyone against Janelle and Kaysar.

Wednesday night’s episode picked up after Tyler’s nominations. Everyone thinks Janelle will probably win the Power of Veto, so they all scramble to try not to be the replacement nominee.

Janelle and Kaysar know that vetoing is doing or dying this week if they want a chance they are both new week into the game. And they even know that this is not too likely. Whoever does not win will be the target for everyone.

And for some reason, after maybe two sessions of Diary Room in eight episodes, it’s time for a Dani mastermind edit. Try talking to Nicole and Dani about the last four and who they want to sit with. They may just get a little ahead of themselves, but they know they can get it all the way with a big alliance. Dani lets us know in the Diary Room that her plan this season is to plant small seeds over everyone in the house. That we get a montage of her planting seed (usually lying) with everyone about everyone other than Nicole F.

Dani all admits that she’s leading the show and that Tyler really needs to do her part this week and get her No. 1 goal, Janelle, on. And at the end of the show, we find out why that is. Dani wants to dethrone the BB queen and take her crown.

But everything really rests on the veto competition. But before the veto can be played, players must be chosen by the veto sign. With Tyler, Janelle and Kaysar joining Cody, Bayleigh and Memphis. That lottery was not good for Janelle and Kaysar and they both know it. But Kaysar says he is ready to fight. So let’s get to that fight.

For this week’s veto competition, players must compete head to head. For each game is a cupcake puzzle. The person who completes it each round first goes to the next. The final person wins the power of veto.

The first match is Kaysar vs. Tyler. Second game is Cody against Bayleigh. Third is Memphis vs. Janelle. Tyler wins the first game. That means Kaysar is out. In the second game, Cody beats Bayleigh, so he goes to the second round. Memphis wins, though fumbling, the third game and Janelle is out. The players who watched, think Memphis’s poor performance was that he beat the competition.

For the second round, it’s Cody against Memphis because Tyler moved to the final round because he had the fastest time in round one. That it’s Memphis and Cody for the second round and Cody wins. That Cody and Tyler are going head to head for the veto. And Cody comes out on top and wins the Power of Veto.

After the veto, there are some scenes that try to build up some tension by making us think that Memphis might be back door for trying to veto, but we all know that veto would never be used. That’s just let’s get to the veto ceremony.

Cody lets the nominees know he is not using the Power of Veto. Janelle and Kaysar remain the nominees and one of them (Janelle) will be expelled Thursday night.