It seems that the ‘election day asteroid’ does not make us smile

The artist’s idea of ​​a planet close to Earth.

NASA / JPL-Caltech

Oreo stashed her Cookies in the asteroid-proof Doomsday Vault For nothing.

Has been there Much ado about small asteroids 2018 VP1 And how his path will bring him closer to Earth on a controversial day, November 2nd U.S. Election of. Because of that time it’s “election day planet.”

It looks like the asteroids didn’t hang long enough to leave an impression in the night sky. According to current data and observations, it passed and proceeded on its hilarious path.

Planetary astronomer Michael Bush left an update on Twitter on Monday. “There was obviously nothing on the infrasound and atmospheric flash monitor today,” Bush wrote. “The 2018 VP1 has flown past Earth as expected.”

Asteroids have only a 0.41% probability of affecting the Earth’s atmosphere. The dietary size of an asteroid means it poses no risk. About the path of asteroids 30 Oct. In an update to, Alan Posner, an astronomer at the Asteroid Institute, said he would look like “a very nice shooting star in the sky” if he burned out.

With no reports of a fireball ball, early indications suggest the 2018 Vip 1 is alive to be seen the next day.

Earth has never been in crisis with an asteroid, but its scheduled visit to our neighborhood fits with the supernatural of a year filled with political conflict and epidemic tensions. It looks like the 2018 VPP had a good sense of getting out of here from a safe distance.