It is strange that the first quarter of the Colts-Titans ended with the officials losing their time on ‘Thursday Night Football’.

Tennessee Titans vs. Indianapolis Colts
Brett Carlson / Getty Images

In most NFL games, the first quarter is considered just 15 minutes long, but during Thursday’s game between the Colts and Titans, it actually lasted about 15 minutes and three seconds. If you’re wondering how it happened, it’s because near the end of the first quarter, office officials completely lost how much time was left on the game clock.

The craze began after the Titans lined up for the second and 2nd play with just five seconds left in the opening quarter. At first, it seemed like Ryan Tennill was letting the clock run and that’s what he started doing. However, after the clock struck zero, the Rafs did not blow Play Dead

At the time, no one knew what was going on. Some Colts defenders tried to warn the iFacing crew that the quarter was over, but no one blew their whistle and no whistle was blown so the Titans decided to play. If this sounds confusing, the video below will clear things up.

Even the Philip Rivers were confused about what was happening!

As you can see in the clip, Tenhill finally took a quick part before the first quarter was almost four seconds away. It was a strange thing to see that Fox’s announcer Jo Buck was absolutely incredible that the play would not die.

Eventually the game turned commercial, with Derrick Henry’s one-yard gain standing on the play. However, someone should have warned the about fissuring crew about the situation, because once the second quarter started, the Rafs moved the ball one yard back, the Titans did the same late in the second quarter as if the play had never happened.

The Titans’ lead ended 7-3 in the first quarter. To keep up to date on the score and tabs on the game, check out our live blog by clicking here.