White Irish in the UK earn 41% more than White Britons, according to a report on the pay gap


White Irishmen in the UK earn “notably more” than the average British white person, according to a report on the ethnic pay gap in the UK.

The report, from the Commission on Racial and Ethnic Disparities, found that the gap between the median hourly earnings of all ethnic groups and white Britons was 2.3%, and ethnic groups, on average, earned less.

But for Chinese, Indians and white Irish, median incomes exceed those of white Britons, with the Irish being the highest paid of all.

The research showed that white Irish people earn 41 percent more than white British people. The equivalent figures for the Chinese and Indian populations were 23% and 15%, respectively.

Groups that earn less than White Britons include mixed white / black Pakistani and African communities, who earn 15% less.

The report found that while white Irish scored very well in terms of educational achievement, Irish traveler children were at the bottom of the range, along with children from white Roma and Roma communities.

‘Outstanding’ success

The report said that special support was needed for people from the Black Caribbean, the mixed black and white Caribbean, travelers of Irish descent, Gypsies and Roma, Pakistani children from low socioeconomic backgrounds, and young white British people of lower socioeconomic status. .

“However, the level of success experienced by many ethnic minorities in the UK is outstanding and should be recognized as such,” the report said.

Some groups reacted strongly to the report, saying it downplayed the role of racism, while the departure from Downing Street of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s top black adviser, Samuel Kasumu, in the same week the landmark report’s release was also seized upon. by critics. . Downing Street said any suggestion that the resignation was related to the report was “completely inaccurate.”

In its report, the commission expressed concern about the use of “imprecise and often misleading language surrounding race and racism.” He expressed concern about the tendency to use the term racism when accounting for all the observed disparities.

Racial bias

“This is important because the more things are explained as a result of racial bias, the more it appears that society opposes ethnic minorities, which in turn can discourage ethnic minority people from pursuing their goals.”

The use of the term Bame (black, Asian and ethnic minority) was no longer useful, the commission said, as it masked huge differences between ethnic groups. He said that if it is possible to have a racial disadvantage without racists “then we have to look elsewhere for the roots of that disadvantage.”

On the question of why some groups have overcome disadvantage more quickly than others, he noted the high incidence of family breakdowns and single-parent families among some ethnic groups.

While 14.7 per cent of UK families were single parent families, the figure rose to 63 per cent with the black Caribbean community and 42 per cent with the black African community. In contrast, the equivalent figure for the Indian community was only 6 percent.

Different attitudes towards integration; different attitudes towards women in the workplace; where in the UK different ethnic communities tended to live; and language skills were also considered by the commission.
