Vicky Phelan Posts Great Update On Cancer Treatment As CT Scan Shows No New Tumors


Activist Vicky Phelan has told supporters that her latest CT scan showed no new tumors in a video posted on her Instagram account last night.

Phelan shared the happy news that it had been three days after the treatment and she had not been ill once since the operation.

“Day 3 after Round 5 of treatment. It is Friday March 26, 3 days after treatment and I have NOT vomited once,” the CervicalCheck activist said in her video.

“It seems like my body is finally starting to adjust to the medications and that we have landed on a combination of disease medications that is working for me.

“The good news, my CT scan results show no new tumors, and while there was a slight increase in one tumor, there was a slight decrease in three other tumors, so it all balances out.

“The overall impression from the radiologist in my report was that there was no significant change in my disease status.

“All of that is fine at this stage of the disease. Stability is good, especially when I’ve only been able to take half the dose that I should be taking.”

She thanked her followers for their support, adding how much it has meant to her during her treatment and to her family.

Phelan is currently in Maryland, United States, participating in a clinical trial of a new drug in an attempt to prolong his life.

The mother of two, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer after a cervical smear test failed, was recently taken to the hospital after experiencing adverse effects from her fourth round of chemotherapy.

Despite intense treatment in clinical trials, he has been regularly updating those who have followed his story on his progress through social media.

People have been reaching out to Phelan through the Vicky tribe Facebook group, to share her messages and prayers of support and follow her updates on treatment.
