Up to 300 mourners attend travelers’ funeral when British cars hit Irish town


Up to 300 mourners attended the funeral of a traveler in the hometown of HSE chief Paul Reid on Thursday, ignoring the Level 5 lockdown.

Gardai investigator says strict travel restrictions were violated at the burial at Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim, of the popular Davey Reilly.

Dozens of British and northern-registered cars arrived in the resort town and a canopy was erected for the mourners.

Reid, who lives in the city, said he “extremely condemns” the scenes.

He told the Irish Daily Mirror: “I have seen the photos of the funeral at Carrick-on-Shannon. I think it is the church of Santa María and, obviously, from what I see in the images, I condemn in the extreme what is seen there.

“The public has taken so many restrictions on board, made so many sacrifices and it is quite demoralizing to see such abuse of guidance and public health measures, particularly for the people of Leitrim who have been doing very well in the very low cases throughout. moment. this Covid “.

Reid said funeral directors are “continually communicating” with people, but funerals are cause for concern.

He said: “Our public health teams would engage regularly with funeral directors, increasingly providing guidance on the protections that need to be put in place.”

Mr. Reid called on priests to “keep up their diligence” and asked people to adhere to public health standards.

He said: “It is a really difficult time for people at funerals and mourning, it is very difficult right now.

“But it is really important that people follow public health measures, it is for their protection, for the protection of their family.

“Transmission levels are really high in the community right now, so you are putting yourself at high risk and please follow the guidelines that we have issued.

“It is a very difficult position for the priests, but again they have been fantastic in working with us in terms of the guidance they have provided to the families in a difficult time.

“I thank you for what you have done, but I only ask that you remain diligent in this regard because everyone is at risk in such scenarios.”

Paul Reid, CEO of HSE

Davey Reilly’s funeral mass was celebrated on Thursday by Fr. Frank Garvey PP at St. Mary’s Church with a small number of attendees.

However, as many as 300 attended the burial in the nearby Santa María cemetery. Gardai returned the cars, but the mourners gathered on foot in a local parking lot and headed to the cemetery.

A large white tent was erected at a house in the Summerhill area of ​​the city the day before the funeral and locals said they had been kept awake until the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Under the Level 5 lockdown, attendance at funerals is limited to just ten; only close family members should attend church and cemetery.

Local councilor Enda Stenson told the Irish Mirror that it is the second funeral for a great traveler to take place in Carrick-on-Shannon in recent weeks.

He said: “It is not right that people in a rural part of the country that has been blocked for 12 months have to deal with this. These people have come in and trampled everyone.

“Some have come to the funeral from England and have even put up a marquee; the guidelines have been completely thrown out the window.

“I have to say that the traveling community of Carrick-on-Shannon has always gotten along really well here, but today was crazy.

“It is simply unfair to the locals who have been upholding the rule of law from day one.”

A source told the Irish Daily Mirror that funeral organizers asked a vendor in the nearby town of Drumshanbo to prepare 300 sandwiches for the event.

Several UK registered cars were spotted in the Summerhill area of ​​Carrick On Shannon on Wednesday and Thursday. Gardai said they are investigating a number of travel rule violations.

A spokesperson said: “Gardaí is aware of a funeral that took place at Carrick-on-Shannon Co. Leitrim on March 10-11, 2021.

“A series of infractions of travel regulations have been detected. This operation is in progress.

“An Garda Síochana contacted the relevant parties and is not investigating any infringement regarding the ecclesiastical element of this funeral.

“An Garda Síochána will carry out an investigation on the organizers of any event that violates public health regulations.”

Pavee Point co-director Martin Collins said there is “no excuse” for circumventing Covid’s security measures.

He said: “Frankly, this is simply not acceptable for any settled person or traveler who violates the guidelines.

“We all have to put our shoulders behind the wheel and no one is exempt from the rules in the same way that no one is exempt from the virus.

“As a traveler, I understand the importance of funerals in our community, but customs and traditions have to take a backseat.

“We have to be careful that this does not become another stick with which to hit travelers and it is important to remember that there have been breaches of restrictions in all sectors of society and often at higher levels. .
