Two Irish moms who flew home from Dubai after cosmetic surgery required to appear in court after failing to enter the hotel quarantine.


Two Irish mothers who flew in from Dubai after cosmetic surgery are due to appear in court today for “refusing” to go into quarantine.

Niamh Mulreany, 25, and Kirstie McGrath, 30, were arrested at Dublin airport yesterday afternoon and charged last night.

Ms. Mulreany’s father, Eddie Freeman, said: “They are very distressed. My daughter followed all the travel rules. They were and are being treated in an incredible way. “

Ms Mulreany, mother of one from Christchurch, Dublin, and Ms McGrath, mother of two, from Fatima Mansions in the capital, have been charged with non-compliance with Covid-19 regulations under the Health Act.

Kirstie mcgrath

The friends will appear in the Criminal Justice Courts this morning.

They had returned home from King’s College Hospital in Dubai after receiving treatment.

It was their second trip to the Middle East, as they underwent cosmetic surgery there a few weeks ago, only to have to fly back.

Before traveling to Dubai last week, they checked with their airline about travel guidelines.

However, when they were about to return home after obtaining negative PCR tests as requested, they were detained at Dubai airport.

There they were informed that they could not board their flight back unless they paid € 1,850 in hotel quarantine fees when they arrived in Dublin.

The women said they had spent all their money and had no other funds, but were not allowed to board the flight.

For the next two days, they were left wandering the airport and nearby streets while Ms. Mulreany’s father tried to contact the Department of Foreign Affairs, various embassies and politicians.

Niamh mulreany

Freeman added: “It took two days to even get them on another flight. Independent Councilor Christy Burke contacted Foreign Minister Simon Coveney and between them they managed, after working hours, to work out a waiver form to get them on a flight Thursday night, as they both have children who depend on them.

“When they arrived in Dublin around noon [yesterday] They were told again that they would have to go into quarantine, but the girls refused to sign any documentation. They are now being detained at Ballymun Garda station. It’s a terrible situation to be in. “

A Garda spokesperson said: “Gardai implemented the four Es approach: Engage, Explain and Encourage with law enforcement as a last resort.

“After failing to comply with gardai, two women were arrested for breaking the Health Law and taken to the Ballymun Garda station. Both women have since been charged. “

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