Trump Claims Without Evidence He’s Being Duped For Election Victory As Key Counts Continue


Here are more details on his comments, via quotes submitted by the Press Association:

Trump called 2020 “the year of the Republican woman,” and said more female party members had been elected to the US Congress than “ever before.”

He added that he had won the highest proportion of non-white voters in 60 years, including “historical” numbers of Latin Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans and Native Americans.

“We increased our party by four million voters, the largest turnout in the history of the Republican party,” he said.

“Republicans have become the American worker’s party and that’s what happened, and we are also the party of inclusion.”

Trump said the media polls were “electoral interference in the true sense of the word.”

“These really bogus polls, I have to call them bogus polls, bogus polls, they were designed to keep voters at home.”

Trump claimed that Republicans were “winning in all the key places” but then his leadership had been “secretly reduced.”

“In fact, we were earning a lot in all the key locations, and then our numbers miraculously started to shrink in secret,” he said.

Referring to legally permitted observers, the President of the United States stated that when observers arrived, they were told to be “100 feet away” from the count.

“When the observers got there, they wanted them to be 60, 70 feet away, 80 feet, 100 feet away, or outside the building, to observe people inside the building,” he told reporters.

On the vote-by-mail system, Trump added: “I’ve been talking about voting by mail for a long time. It has really destroyed our system, it is a corrupt system. “

Trump claimed that the “blue wave” predicted by the polls had never materialized and that there had been a “big red wave.”

He added: “The pollsters were knowingly wrong.

“There was no blue wave that they predicted, they thought there was going to be a big blue wave, that was false, it was done for suppression reasons.

“But instead, there was a big red wave and the media has duly acknowledged it, I think they were very impressed, but that’s after the fact.”
