People turned around and told him not to travel north to hit


People living in the Republic of Ireland were warned to stop booking Covid-19 vaccination injections at centers north of the border, unless they are registered with a doctor there or have or have an NHS number.

Hundreds of people south of the border, some of whom are traveling from as far away as Dublin and Galway, have been turned away from Northern Ireland hubs in recent days.

The online vaccine reservation system does not require applicants to provide their address or medical card number to reserve a space, but those details must be provided upon arrival, as well as a photo ID.

Some recent media reports suggested that anyone living in the Republic of Ireland can book hits across the border, but that’s not the case.

People who cross the border to work in the health system in Northern Ireland have been vaccinated because they qualified as a result of their work.

However, others are not eligible unless they are registered with a GP in Northern Ireland and have a Health and Social Care (HSC) medical number, the equivalent of an NHS number.

Those who reserve a space and come in to be told they are not eligible face no penalty, but are denied a vaccination.

Patricia Donnelly, head of the vaccination program in Northern Ireland, today urged those living south of the border to stop reserving vaccines for which they are not eligible.

“Our plan is not open to residents of the Republic, sadly, but we are seeing an increasing number of ineligible people, including people from the Republic of Ireland, trying to book an appointment at one of our vaccination centers.” explained.

“But when they show up at the vaccination centers, they realize they are being turned away because they would need to have a GP in Northern Ireland, have a medical and social care number in the North or be eligible for health care services. and social in Northern Ireland Ireland.

“Unfortunately, it’s hundreds. We really had leaks of people since the start of the program, but we’ve noticed in the last week that it’s turning into hundreds now, and that would be the case in all health trusts. register in the system.

“Only those who meet the criteria will be vaccinated. If you show up and are not eligible, you will be turned down and have lost staff time in the process.

“It is difficult when people travel a certain distance and arrive at a vaccination center, full of hope, that they know that here is the beginning of the end and that they can get vaccinated.

“They are always rejected, so it is disappointing for them, and it is a difficult journey for them to live with that disappointment.”

While it is not mandatory for those looking to book a jab to include their home address, guidance is now being added to the system advising that applicants must live in Northern Ireland or meet the other eligibility criteria.

The problem has been caused by the pace of the vaccination program in Northern Ireland.

While the proportion of second doses is significantly lower than in the Republic, the number of people who have received a first dose in Northern Ireland now stands at more than 687,500.

Based on the relative size of the population, that works out to nearly 1.8 million south of the border, where the most recent figure for the number of first doses administered is 492,106.

The pace of the program north of the border will accelerate even more next week.

A huge mass vaccination center will open on Monday at the SSE Arena, home to the Belfast Giants ice hockey team.

The center will have the capacity to vaccinate a minimum of 4,000 people per day, increasing to 8,000.

Belfast community pharmacists will also join the vaccination program next week, allowing jabs to be administered from local main street facilities.

A team of 100 British military doctors is also scheduled to arrive in Northern Ireland to help administer the vaccines.

The same rules apply to all those looking to reserve a space. They must:
– have the HSC number from Northern Ireland
– be registered in a Northern Irish GP
– present a photo ID.
