Northern Ireland circuit breaker lockout extended for two weeks


Stormont ministers have agreed to extend the Northern Ireland circuit breaker for two weeks starting Friday, November 27.

Close contact services and cafes may open this Friday as planned, but will have to close again next Friday, while other sectors of hospitality such as licensed pubs and restaurants will remain closed.

Starting November 27, nonessential retail will also have to close, along with close contact services, including driving instructors.

Take away hospitality services will be allowed, but leisure and entertainment services will be closed.

Sporting events will only be allowed for elite athletes, without spectators.

The rules about family gatherings will not change and places of worship will close.

People will be encouraged to stay home and work from home.

Schools and child care centers can remain open and universities will conduct distance learning, except when it has to be face-to-face.

Outdoor playgrounds may remain open.
