Derry man in pretrial detention charged with murder of young woman


A Co Derry man has been taken into custody on charges of murdering a 21-year-old woman.

Jonathan James Cresswell, 33, of Briar Hill Gardens, Greysteel, has been charged with the murder of Katie Simpson on August 3, 2020.

Appearing via video link in Dungannon Magistrates Court on Saturday morning, Cresswell confirmed that he understood the charges against him.

He was described in court as a horse trainer.

A detective sergeant told the court on August 3 that the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service had been called in for an alleged attempt by a woman to take her own life.

Ms. Simpson was taken to Altnagelvin Hospital and transferred to intensive care.

Altnagelvin Hospital (Paul Faith / PA)

The officer said bruises were noted on one of his legs, both hands and one of his arms. He added that doctors were concerned about his injuries and wanted more information.

He said Cresswell claimed that Ms. Simpson had fallen off a horse at a show and had been trampled on.

“Doctors found him vague on the details. Doctors and nurses discovered that she did not present herself as a hanged victim … the characteristics that they would expect … were not present, ”the officer told the court.

“A police investigation was subsequently launched.”

The evidence includes doctors, cell phones, and witness statements.

The detective said witnesses described Ms Simpson as “in great shape” during a night out on August 1, and she had been looking forward to the upcoming riding season and seeing her new boyfriend.

He described Ms Simpson as fearful of Cresswell and said he believes the defendant had control of her phone for a period before she died.

“He (Cresswell) has been in a controlling and coercive relationship with Katie since she was a child,” she told the court.

He said Cresswell described finding Ms. Simpson hanging from a strap tied to a railing, but police found no marks on the railing and “insignificant ligature marks on Katie’s neck.”

The officer opposed the bail for risk of recidivism, risk of flight and risk of interference with witnesses and the police investigation.

A defense attorney for Cresswell questioned the detective about the evidence and described it as “essentially a circumstantial case.”

On police objections to the bond, the lawyer told the court that his client has two children and “numerous ties to this jurisdiction,” adding: “He has every reason to remain in this jurisdiction.

“In addition to that, his family members are in a position to present an important cash guarantee. The partner of the accused would also be in a position to hand over his passport to the authorities ”.

He said the case is unlikely to be heard this year.

However, Cresswell was denied bail, and a district judge said: “I am satisfied that the defendant’s prior conviction regarding a serious domestic assault does raise a risk of recidivism when compared to The facts of this case and your previous actions in terms of leaving the jurisdiction when sought by the police also give rise to a flight risk.

“His actions since August 3, 2020 also raise concerns about the risk of interference with witnesses and the police investigation.

“I find that they cannot be handled under bail conditions and, as a result, bail is rejected due to the risk of recidivism, risk of flight and risk of interference with witnesses and / or police investigation.”

Cresswell will face Derry Magistrates Court via video link on April 1.
