Returning to the gym after the coronavirus quarantine: how to protect yourself



Gyms are included in the country’s first reopening phase, but is it safe to go?

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For the most up-to-date news and information on the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website.

Gyms and fitness studios were some of the first companies to close their doors when COVID-19 pandemic it hit the United States, and they will now be among the first places to reopen, according to the White House’s three-phase reopening plan for the country. Gyms, along with cinemas and places of worship, are included in the first phase of the reopening plan. But how do you know if it’s safe to go back to your gym?

According to the White House plan, gyms must comply with “strict physical distancing and sanitation protocols” when they reopen. It’s unclear what those specific protocols are right now, but the number of people allowed in a gym is likely to be very limited, you will have to stay 6 feet away while exercising and you may even need Wear a mask. Even then, returning to a place like a gym may seem risky, but at the same time, many people are eager to return to a healthy routine and exercise in a brick and mortar place that is not their room.

To learn more about whether going back to the gym soon is a good idea and how to protect yourself when you go, I turned to the infectious disease expert and Dr. Sandra Kesh. Read on below for her tips on how to stay safe when you return to the gym.

Should you go to the gym when it reopens?

Many people are eager to get out of the house and return to society. But whether it is really safe or not to go is a complicated answer. According to Dr. Kesh, the safest place for you exercise is outdoors


Exercising outdoors is the safest option during a pandemic.

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“I still prefer people to go outside for exercise. I think it’s much easier to distance yourself socially, unless you’re running with a herd of people. Gyms are very well ventilated, but we know how far this virus can spread. So if you’re in a gym and you’re doing vigorous exercise, you’re breathing hard, someone close to you may cough. There’s a lot of potential for aerosolizing things that in an outdoor setting is much less of a problem since particles disperse very quickly outdoors, “says Dr. Kesh.

If you live in a dense urban area with a lot of people or little access to nature, going out to exercise may not be an easy option for you. In that case, Dr. Kesh says it’s okay to return to a gym, but only once you’ve exhausted your other options.

“For my own patients, I recommend that they go outdoors, especially as it warms up. And if they have no alternative and feel it is important to their overall well-being, they can go to the gym,” he says.

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How to stay safe when you return to the gym

If you have no choice but to go to a gym, try to go to an hour of rest when there are likely to be fewer people, such as early in the morning, late in the morning, and later at night, and wear your mask while exercising. Dr. Kesh also advises avoiding physical fitness classes, as you are likely to be in a smaller space and around more people. “At least I discourage classes for now, and that’s regardless of when [relax] Social distancing. I think it’s something to wait until the disease is really beyond that downward part of the disease curve, “says Kesh.

When using equipment in a gym, be very careful to clean it before and after using it. “When it comes to cleaning equipment, clean it before and after. When we sweat and clean our face and then touch the handle, we’re constantly exposing and saturating that device with germs. So clean the equipment before and after, even if the person who does it used before looks totally fine. Remember that 25% to 50% of infected people may have no symptoms but can still transmit the virus, “says Dr. Kesh.


Exercise studies and classes should follow strict precautions such as adequate space, air ventilation, and sanitation to keep people safe.

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What to look for if you go to a gym class

If you return to a fitness class, Kersh recommends looking for a study that follows the practices below, at a minimum. You can also wear a cloth face mask in class to minimize exposure.

Ventilation: Ideally, studies prioritize air flow by opening windows, using a fan, or opening doors to keep air moving.

Spacing: The class should not be crowded, and people should be able to keep their distance without difficulty.

Instructors should wear a mask: “Because many times they are talking and projecting a loud voice. And you spray the virus even when you’re talking, “says Kesh.

“All the gyms plan to do different things, so you have to find the ones that are taking this very seriously, and those are the ones that I would sponsor,” says Kesh. Check to see that your gym or gym follows the correct cleaning and distancing protocols before heading so you can have some peace of mind during your workout.

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The information in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical or health advice. Always consult a doctor or other qualified healthcare provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health goals.
