Conditions of bail are set for two women who refused quarantine after returning from a plastic surgery trip


Two mothers who refused to enter mandatory hotel quarantine after arriving at Dublin airport on Friday after postoperative treatment at a Dubai hospital were granted bail with personal and independent guarantees.

However, Niamh Mulreany, 25, mother of a seven-year-old from Scarlett Row in Dublin 2, and her friend, Kirstie Shree McGrath, 30, of St Anthony’s Road, Dublin 8 and mother of two, remained in custody. de la garda, as they had limited financial means to comply with the conditions of the deposit, which include a personal deposit of € 800 and an independent deposit of € 2,000.

Gardaí confirmed that the state liaison officer had called them to Dublin Airport on Friday afternoon and implemented the “4E approach” – Engage, Explain and Encourage with law enforcement as a last resort after the two defendants They will land on a midday flight from Dubai.

The two friends were arrested for violations of the Health Law after failing to comply with the gardaí and were taken to the Ballymun Garda station where they were detained overnight.


Niamh Mulreany leaves the Tallaght District Court.  Image: Collins Court.

Niamh Mulreany leaves the Tallaght District Court. Image: Collins Court.

Judge Miriam Walsh, in Tallaght District Court on Saturday afternoon, also required that each woman report to and reside in a designated quarantine hotel when taking bail.

Defense attorney Michael French represented the two women who were arrested and charged with violating Section 38 of the Healthcare (Amendment) Act of 2021 by refusing to be detained in quarantine.

Mr. French informed the court that both defendants had three children between them, were of “modest means” and in both cases were the sole caregivers while living off the allowance of single parents.

He also said that his clients would be willing to self-quarantine at home. Judge Walsh granted free legal aid to his two clients.

However, the State informed the court that it would undermine the legislation if the court agreed to home quarantine.

A person convicted of a crime of this type carries a financial penalty of up to € 2,000 or a month in prison.

Both cases were postponed until April 9 at 10:30 a.m.
