Ireland has yet to receive UK Covid vaccine offer, but ‘happy to accept any excess doses’


GOVERNMENT SOURCES SAID that the UK government has not been in contact with their Irish counterparts about reported plans to supply the Republic of Ireland with surplus Covid-19 vaccines.

While the suggestion was described as ‘speculation’, one source added that any such offer would likely be accepted.

As Ireland’s deployment struggles to build strength due to intermittent and deficient supply, the UK’s efforts continue at a much higher rate, leading to speculation that the oversupply could be passed on.

Ireland will already receive an increasing number of vaccines in the coming weeks through existing purchasing agreements with the EU.

The Sunday Times reports this morning that the UK plans to supply Ireland with 3.7 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines.

This is dependent on an adequate supply to administer a second dose to the adult population in the UK, and will only be possible ‘after Easter’.

A slowdown in the UK’s own supply is expected in April.

The document reports that the intention to share supply is primarily to bolster plans to ease restrictions in Northern Ireland, where deployment has made more progress than in the Republic, and prevent a third wave of infections there.

It would also represent the UK’s first export of vaccines to the European Union.


High-level government sources said The newspaper last night they were “unaware” of any offer or even contact made about a potential offer, and described the plans as “speculation.”

Two high-level sources noted that the UK is still vaccinating its own population, and even if spare parts were available, it would be some time before they were shared with Ireland.

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One source said Ireland would be happy to accept such an offer if it were made, but added that the European Union’s vaccine supply would improve significantly over the next four to six weeks, leaving Ireland with its own adequate supply of vaccines.

RTÉ News reports this morning that Northern Ireland Prime Minister Arlene Foster spoke with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson about plans to share vaccine supplies with Ireland.

Foster told the broadcaster that he believes the overdoses ‘should, and hopefully, will be shared’, but only once the UK’s own rollout is complete.

Ireland has so far administered the first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine to 11.1% of its population, compared to 38% in Northern Ireland and about 45% in the UK overall.

The UK has made progress in this regard by delaying the administration of the second dose of some vaccines.

With information from Christina Finn
