Rescue to tow a trawler from rough seas off Cork


A major rescue effort is underway off the west coast of Cork with a warship attempting to tie a tow line to an affected fishing trawler that has spent the night in extremely rough seas, with waves of up to 12 meters.

The Valentia Coast Guard has confirmed that conditions have calmed down a bit this morning as LE George Bernard Shaw attempts to tow the trawler, Ellie Ádhamh, from a position some 45 miles west of Castletownbere.

There are seven crew members aboard the Wexford-registered ship, which was stranded in rough sea conditions after it suffered an engine failure yesterday.

Local tugs tried to help the trawler, but a boat was hit by a 10-meter wave, blowing all the windows out.

He had to be assisted back to shore by the RNLI.

LE George Bernard Shaw was in seas near Bantry Bay and came to help the ship.

He spent the night nearby waiting for conditions to improve.

A Coast Guard spokesman said the winds had brought the trawler closer to shore and the sea was not as rough.

He said the crew is fine, but he had a very rough night at sea.

Shannon’s Rescue 115 helicopter is on the scene, while Waterford’s Rescue 117 is also involved in the operation.
