A giant walrus that visited Ireland appears in Wales


The giant walrus that surprised locals on Valentia Island last week continues its adventure after being spotted in Wales this weekend.

Last week, the people of Ireland were surprised and delighted to see the large-toothed mammal resting on a rock on the island.

The walrus is believed to have been found off Irish shores after falling asleep on an iceberg in the Arctic and wandering off.

Some were concerned for their well-being after traveling so far from home and there have been no sightings since last weekend until now.

It appears the walrus is in no rush to return home, as Welsh Marine Life Rescue reported a sighting this afternoon.

The group announced that the finned mammal appeared off the south coast of Pembrokeshire on its Facebook page.

Volunteers and other organizations, including the RSCPA and the UK Cetacean Stranding Research Program, monitored the walrus and said it appeared to be underweight but was otherwise unharmed.

The walrus rested on the shore for several hours before returning to the water.

Local wildlife photographer Drew Buckley was able to capture images of the walrus as it rested and as it ventured back out to sea.

Drew, who filmed the walrus from a safe distance, said it appeared to be enjoying the rest and slipped back into the sea once the tide rose.

Hopefully, the walrus has had enough adventures and returns to the cold waters of its home.

If you can’t see the video below, you can watch it here.
