Relieving massive restrictions ‘has a better constitutional claim than powerful business interests’


THE CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP of Dublin has said that easing restrictions on mass attendance “has a better legal claim” than other activities that are “pressured by powerful commercial interests.”

In a St. Patrick’s Day message, Archbishop Dermot Farrell also described the funeral attendance limit to 10 people as “severe and unfair,” repeating previous requests from the church to ease restrictions on funerals.

Under current Level 5 restrictions, 10 mourners are allowed to attend funerals, six guests can attend weddings but no public mass can be held, and worshipers are forced to follow mass online.

In a homily today, Farrell said the right of people to worship in public should be considered when restrictions are eased. He also suggested that other “powerful” business groups may pressure the government to ease restrictions, but that religious worship has a better legal claim.

“The planned departure from the current severe restrictions is being watched by many citizens who hope that their religious practice will be respected by public authorities and not subordinated to commercial interests,” he said.

The archbishop pointed to article 44 of the Irish Constitution which recognizes that “the homage of public worship is due to Almighty God” and must be respected.

Farrell argues that the numbers that are allowed to worship “cannot be determined randomly as if they were a mathematical formula.”

“It’s about people: protecting people’s health and promoting people’s well-being,” he said.

While a balance must be struck, easing restrictions on worship has a better founded legal claim than other activities that may be pressured by powerful commercial interests.

“Worship has a clear human priority over other activities that do not have that priority in and of themselves.

“In particular, restricting funeral assistance to 10 people is harsh and unfair,” he added.

Close family members are often denied the right to be present in the Church at the funeral of their loved ones – sometimes people who have been with the deceased for years. This is tolerable only in the most extreme circumstances and for the shortest possible period.

Speaking last week, Tánaiste Leo Varadkar said the government “would love” to increase the number of funerals, adding that the problem was not with the church mass.

“In a big church you can space people very well. But there is very strong evidence that everything that happens around weddings and funerals is a problem, “he said.

“It’s just the nature of events that people want to come home for a cup of tea, they want to shake hands, they want to share hugs.”

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