Full Garda investigation into Varadkar GP payment leak


AN Garda Síochána has updated its initial investigations into the leak of a confidential government document by Tánaiste Leo Varadkar to a friend in a full investigation, the Sunday Independent may reveal.

This occurs when the state’s political standards watchdog has separately said that it will suspend consideration of a complaint about the leak pending the outcome of the garda investigation.

Gardaí is investigating a complaint that focuses on Varadkar’s leak of a confidential copy of the government’s proposed new GP contract with the Irish Medical Organization to Maitiú Ó Tuathail, who was then the head of the National Association of General Practitioners. rival, in April 2019. Mr. Varadkar has apologized for the matter and said that his legal advice is that he “did not commit any crime.” He has offered to meet with the Gardaí to provide a full statement.

Gardaí has ​​not yet spoken to the Tánaiste. However, this is standard procedure as you are considered the primary person of interest. You will be spoken to last so that all the material gathered in the course of the investigation can be brought to you. The decision does not mean at this stage of the investigation that a charge is a foregone conclusion, but Gardaí investigators have now gathered enough material to warrant further investigation, it is understood.

In response to inquiries, a Garda spokesperson said yesterday: “I am referring to your inquiry and I must note that An Garda Síochána does not comment on any ongoing investigation.”

Meanwhile, the Standards Commission in Public Office (Sipo) has told People Before Profit TD Paul Murphy that it is suspending consideration of a complaint it made last November about the leak.

Sipo contacted Mr. Murphy last Wednesday.

An official from the Complaints and Investigations Unit told him: “The Commission observes that this matter is the subject of an investigation by An Garda Síochána, according to the media. Based on this information, the Commission has decided to suspend consideration of the complaint submitted by you until An Garda Síochána has concluded its investigation ”.

Mr. Murphy asked Sipo to investigate whether Mr. Varadkar violated the “Code of Conduct for Office Holders” and the “Code of Conduct for Members of Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann”.

Sipo declined to comment when contacted by this newspaper. “It is the practice of the Standards Commission in the Public Office not to comment on individual compliance matters,” said a spokesperson. A spokesman for Mr. Varadkar said tonight: “The Gardaí have not contacted the Tánaiste on this matter.

“Last month, following media reports, his lawyers contacted the Gardaí to confirm his willingness to meet with them and deliver a statement. His legal advice is that he has not committed any crime and looks forward to the matter being concluded. “

When contacted, Mr. Ó Tuathail said tonight: “I have not been contacted by Gardaí, but if I am, obviously I will fully cooperate with them.”

The Sunday Independent revealed last month that there had been “discussions” by senior officials about the seizure of phone records belonging to Mr. Varadkar and Dr. Ó Tuathail, as well as government officials involved in drafting the proposed GP contract. .

The officers had been examining whether the complaint, made by a whistleblower from the Department of Health, could be investigated under a violation of the Official Secrets Act.

Deputy Commissioner John O’Driscoll, who oversees Special Crime Operations, had been conducting a thorough review of the complaint. The senior officer heads the National Office of Criminal Investigation

Former Health Minister Simon Harris has already delivered a written statement to Gardaí about the controversy. He is not suspected of having committed any crime.

Varadkar survived a Dáil no-confidence motion filed by Sinn Féin in November in the wake of the controversy. Mr. Varadkar acknowledged at the time that what he did “was not best practice” and an “error in judgment”. He told the Dáil: “There was nothing selfish, corrupt, dishonest or illegal about what I did.

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