An RAF reconnaissance plane has captured images of the world’s largest iceberg as it heads toward the island of South Georgia.
The 4,200-square-kilometer block, known as A68a, currently runs through the Southern Antarctic Front.
The A400M captured details of the cracks and fissures within the main body of the iceberg, as well as the remnants of ice in the surrounding waters.
“I know I speak on behalf of the entire crew involved when I say that this is without a doubt a unique and unforgettable task to be involved in,” said squad leader Michael Wilkinson.
The large size of the A68a meant that it was impossible to capture its entirety in one shot from the A400M.
The images, video footage and visual observations will help predict future iceberg behavior and determine the scale of the threat to the local area.
If the A68a makes landfall around South Georgia, it could cause considerable hardship for the island’s seals and penguins as they try to head out to sea to find fish and krill.