Going to level 5 restrictions ‘a no-brainer’, says specialist


Infectious disease consultant Professor Sam McConkey has described the rise in Covid-19 cases outside of Dublin as “really shocking”. “We have to do something as a nation, as we cannot allow the increase to continue,” he said Sunday night.

Encouraging people to take voluntary action to reduce the incidence of the virus, and testing and tracking “has not worked,” putting Level 5 restrictions in the works, he said.

It was, he added, “a no-brainer” but “would require massive public participation.”

Those who said such restrictions would further damage the economy should realize that “if the virus continues to spread, the economy will be shattered anyway.”

It was also the case that “there has to be cooperation with the Northern Irish authorities. The area around Derry and Strabane has the highest rates (of Covid-19 infection) in the entire UK. “

He felt that “there is a need for political leaders (in both jurisdictions) to come together on this and they should keep it simple,” he said.

He encouraged people across Ireland to believe that “we can fix this. It is not as bad as last March and in May and June it was fine. We can do it again. “

When it came to schools, he felt that those under 15 were neither at risk nor at risk. However, “those aged 15 to 25 are at higher risk.” At the third level, this was probably less so, with skins and online. The question was how young people aged 14 to 18 could meet in high school.
