20 deaths and 584 new confirmed cases in Ireland


PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS have confirmed another 584 new cases of Covid-19 in Ireland.

In addition, 20 more people have died with Covid-19.

The latest update from the Department of Health brings the total number of cases to 233,327 and the number of people who have died to 4,651.

Of the cases reported today:

  • 297 are men / 286 are women
  • 72% are under 45 years of age
  • The average age is 34 years.
  • 222 in Dublin, 44 in Kildare, 33 in Offaly, 31 in Meath, 29 in Westmeath, and the remaining 225 cases are spread over 19 other counties.

country case list

Source: Department of Health.

317 Covid-19 patients are in the hospital at 8 am this morning, of which 67 are in the ICU. There have been 25 additional hospitalizations in the last 24 hours.

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As of March 23, 709,348 doses of Covid-19 vaccines had been administered in Ireland.
