Interview with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry with CBS Oprah Receipt for at least 7 million

It’s not cheap when it comes to Prah Winfrey, Prince Harry and Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle.

CBS VIAC 28.28%

According to people familiar with the deal, Mr Winfrey is paying million 7 million to 9 9 million in license fees for the right to interview Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex.

Following the network’s popular news magazine “60 Minutes,” a two-hour interview is scheduled for Sunday on CBS. Sunday is the biggest night of television consumption.

CBS and Ms. As part of an agreement between Winfrey’s production company, Harpo Productions, the network also has the right to issue special licenses in international markets. In the UK, the interview will air on ITV on Monday. CBS is a unit of Viacombs Inc.

A spokesman for the couple said they were not being compensated for the interview.

CBS was searching for approximately 5,325,000 business hours per second during the program, which, according to ad buyers, was twice the normal price of ad time during that period.

Harpo also did a comcast Corp

NBC and Walt Disney Co.

Of ABC, said people familiar with the situation.

Mrs. Winfrey has an affair with CBS. She has a short stint as a member of the “Min0 Minutes” team and has long been friends with CBS News anchor Gail King. In addition, CBS owns a company that owns Ms. Distributed Winfrey’s Daytime Talk Show.

Prince Harry and Ms. Markle said last year that he would be separated from Britain’s royal family. His departure is rocked. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, as they are known, wanted to trademark the “Sussex Royal” brand, but Buckingham Palace officials said no.

Sussex relocated to Montetto, California and focused on various ventures to create video and video content, including a five-year contract with Netflix. Inc.

According to people with knowledge of the deal, it is worth 100 100 million.

The couple no longer receive funding from Prince Harry’s father, Prince Charles, or a UK taxpayer.

Interest in the interview has heated up in recent days after releasing promotional clips in which the couple talked about why they asked to leave Buckingham Palace.

Large ticket TV interviews were the main use of broadcast television. Networks were fighting with each other to bring down top newsmakers or celebrities. While TV news departments say they are disgusted with paying subjects for interviews, they always pay a hefty fee to consultants for downloading licensed footage or subject matter.

In this case, CBS News is not included in the interview, or it is not being promoted as a news event. Special CBS is being programmed by the entertainment department.

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On March 6, 2021, the print edition of CBS to Pay Royal for Winfrey’s Sussex Interview appeared on March 6, 2021.
