Internal USPS documents raise questions about the effectiveness of sequencing for sorting machines

Internal USPS planning documents obtained by CNN indicate nearly 95% of the e-mail sorting machines set up for removal in recent months were already planned to be taken out of service now.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” that the USPS would not remove any more email sorting machines until the election.
Amid criticism, USPS says it will stop removing collection boxes for 90 days

June documents obtained by CNN show the USPS planned to remove 502 DBCS (Delivery Barcode Sorter) machines as 13.2% of its total inventory up to and including 30 September. These machines form the largest part of the USPS post operation. They sort envelope mail, which would include votes along the way for voters. However, almost 95%, as 475, of these were according to documents planned to be removed.

It is unclear how many machines the USPS has actually removed at this point. CNN has reached out to the USPS to confirm if this plan has been followed and what the current number of these machines is nationwide. However, union officials in the US have confirmed to CNN that some of these machines, and other machines for e-mail, have been removed or are in the process of being removed.

Meanwhile, CNN has obtained photos from a source with knowledge of the removal of the machines showing a disassembled DBCS machine. The majority of the machine is scrapped; part of it will remain in use by the USPS.

CNN has previously reported that unions had said the destination of each removed machine was different. Some are completely scrapped, while others are transferred to other facilities.
