Indian-American doctor identifies possible covid treatment: Tribune India

Washington, November 21

An Indian-American scientist has discovered possible strategies to prevent fatal inflammation, lung damage and organ failure in patients diagnosed with Covid-19.

Published in the Army Journal Publine, research by Dr. Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti, an Indian-origin researcher working at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital in Tennessee. Leads to tissue damage and multi-organ failure in rats.

The researchers detailed how the inflammatory cell death signaling pathway worked, which could potentially disrupt the healing process.

Kanneganti, vice chair of the St. Jude Immunology Department, said it is important to understand the ways and mechanisms to accelerate this inflammation in order to develop effective treatment strategies.

Kanneganti was born and raised in Telangana. She received her undergraduate degree at Kakatiya University in Warangal, where she studied chemistry, zoology and botany. He then obtained his MSc and PhD from Osmania University, India. He joined St. Jude in Memphis, Tennessee, USA in 2007.

“This research provides that insight. We have also identified specific cytokines that activate inflammatory cell death pathways and have significant potential for the treatment of other highly malignant diseases, including covid and sepsis.”

Other researchers were Shraddha Tuladhar, Parimal Sameer, Meen Zheng, Balamrugan Sundaram, Balaji Banoth, RK Subbarao Malireddy, Patrick Screener, Joff Fre Nelle, Peter Vogel and Richard Webby, St. Jude; And Evan Peter Williams, Lillian Zaldundo and Colin Beth Johnson of the University of Tennessee Center for Health Sciences.

Covid is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The infection has killed more than 1.2 million people in less than a year and has sickened millions more.

The infection is characterized by an increase in blood levels of multiple cytokines. These small proteins are secreted primarily by immune cells to ensure a rapid response to control the virus. Some cytokines also stimulate inflammation.

St. association said in a statement that sayatoka ine these hurricane, inflammatory disorders such as elevated blood circulate natakiyarupe is used to describe levels and other changes in the immune sepisisa and himophegositika limphohaistiosaitosisa (ecaelaeca).

But the specific pathways that trigger the cytokine storm and subsequent inflammation, lung damage and organ failure and other disorders in Covid-19 were unclear.

There were also cellular and molecular mechanisms that broadly defined storms by cytokines. Cunningham’s team focused on a selection set of the most elevated cytokines in Covid-19 patients. Scientists have shown that not a single cytokine-induced cell death in congenital immune cells.

“These findings link COVID-19 to TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma-induced inflammatory cell death.”

“The results also suggest that therapies that target this cytokine compound are candidates for rapid clinical trials for the treatment of not only Covid-19, but also many other malignant disorders associated with cytokine hurricanes.”

“We are excited to combine these points to understand how TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma trigger penoptosis are,” said Rajendra Karki, a scientist at Cunningham Laboratory.

“Indeed, understanding how penoptosis contributes to disease and mortality is important for identifying treatments,” added Bhesh Raj Sharma, a scientist at Kaneganti Laboratory. PTI