Incoming NBA 2 or 21 hotfix, but the neighborhood will remain the same

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Update: The 2K Sports NBA is listening to feedback on the 2K21’s strict shooting system, and will release a hotfix for Rookie, Pro and All-Star Troubles tomorrow, September 6th. When the update tweaks the above levels, the neighborhood and more difficulties will remain the same. “Hopefully this will help newcomers,” Official account said. “Keep the feedback coming.”

Original story: NBA 2K21 has made shooting harder – a A lot Harder. Everyone in the gaming community is talking about this weekend – including cover star Damien Lillard. Write on Twitter, The Portland Trail Blazers Point Guard asked its fans if it was the only one struggling with the title’s revised shot meter. It turns out he’s not alone.

Reddit is full of posts from P players who can’t get a basket if their lives depend on it. Take a look at this wild figure from 2K Beach, where one player managed to make two three-pointers with 31 attempts. Overall, both sets of players managed to score only 20 field goals with over 120 attempts!

A lot of people are struggling with what gameplay director Mike Wang has taken over Twitter Some tips to share. He points out that the full “Green Releases” this year are tough, and urges fans to be patient. He adds that if players are using the square button to shoot, they can turn off the shot meter for promotion, or they can use the L2 button for the best shot timing on the pro stick. From what we understand so far, it works a bit like Active Reload in games like Gears.

Of course, it is argued that not everyone has earned their badges yet, so naturally the gameplay will be more difficult than the NBA 2K20, where players will have significantly leveled their builds by the end of the year. Others think that the increased skill gap will lead to more competitive matches going forward, so it will be interesting to see if 2K sports the temptation to keep things in balance.

Despite the difficult shooting, you can get the best possible start to your basketball career by following us NBA 2K21: Best Builds for MyPlayer and MyCareer Guidance. Also, for some early game bonuses, check out our All NBA 2 or 21 locker codes Guidance.
