In the survey, 30% of La residents are refusing a stay-at-home order as Covid-19 hospitalization has reached an all-time high.

As their enrollment increased as they were admitted to Covid-19 Hospital in Los Angeles County on Tuesday, 30% of respondents in a recent survey indicated that they had visited a friend, neighbor or relative or visitors to their residence. The survey was conducted by the Center for Social and Economic Research at the University of Southern California, which conducts a weekly representative survey of LA County residents about their actions through the epidemic.

The county’s current health official’s order explicitly prohibits such actions: “All public and private gatherings and events with individuals in your home, except church services and protests, are prohibited.”

If the U.S.C. If the survey is largely representative of LA County residents, more than 1,000,000 of them are not following safety guidelines that instruct residents not to gather with people outside our immediate home. Despite months of requests from local, state and national public health officials.

“If you’re still out shopping for your loved ones for this holiday season or thinking about getting a vacation, then you’re losing the gravity of a situation affecting hospitals in Los Angeles County and California and this country. Dr. Christina Ghali, director of county health services, said Monday. “People are very sick in hospitals. They are dying there.

“Although it may seem benign, these actions are very dangerous,” said Gae Lee, “and we say that everyone is doing everything possible to prevent the spread of the virus so that our families do not grow.” And will experience in a week. “

Recent data shows that this is going to be the busiest travel window to the epidemic this Christmas season. Seeing that, it doesn’t look like people are getting the message.

Los Angeles County on Tuesday surpassed the tragic death of 9,000 confirmed COVID-19s. LA County has experienced more than 1,000 COVID-19 deaths in just two weeks. The average Cov-related death during this day in the last two weeks is as high as Cov. On Tuesday, 88 new deaths were confirmed, with a total of 9,016 people losing their lives due to the epidemic. The county also identified 12,954 new cases of Covid-19.

5,866 people with Covid-19 are currently in L.A. Are hospitalized in and 20% of them are in ICU. Is in Now the number of people admitted to the hospital in Kovid-19 is a new one. Tuesday’s daily hospitalization count increased to more than 2,700 daily patients from two weeks ago.

According to the state, the available ICU capacity in Southern California is 0%.

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