In the fight over Trump’s tax returns, the DA office tells its attorneys to ‘bring that’

Trump has no right to drag his defiance to a subpoena, the office says.

After the Supreme Court rejected President Donald Trump’s claim for broad immunity from a Manhattan grand jury subpoena for his tax returns, Trump’s legal team is devising new ways to challenge him.

During a telephone hearing Thursday, Assistant DA Carey Dunne said, “The position of our office is ‘forward’.”

The Manhattan prosecutor searched the president’s tax records while investigating clandestine payments to women who had allegedly denied extramarital affairs with Trump.

A federal judge in New York is now considering whether the subpoena was properly adapted or overly broad and whether it was motivated by a desire to harass or otherwise issued in bad faith.

“This is not a proper subpoena,” President Will Consovoy’s attorney said Thursday.

Prolonged subpoena litigation could keep tax records private during the election or the time the statute of limitations expires.

“What the president’s lawyers are looking for here is a delay,” Dunne said. “There is nothing new here.”

Consovoy told the judge that the president has not decided what specific arguments he intends to pursue as he fights against the attempt to give up his financial records.

The Manhattan prosecutor’s office pushed for an expedited review and argued that the president has no right to drag his defiance on the subpoena.

“There is no special high standard just because he is the president,” Dunne said.

The district attorney’s office also questioned whether Trump has the right to challenge a subpoena filed at his accounting firm now that the Supreme Court has rejected his immunity claim.

Written submissions must be submitted by the end of this month.
