As in another Star Wars The heart and soul of the movies, Star Wars sequel trilogy was the relationship between its two leads, Ray and Kyo Ren. While The Rise Sk f Skyver Had a much more marvelous reception than the other sequels, it did some things well.
One of the good things about it was that it gave a relatively satisfactory conclusion to the story of Ray and Kylo Ren. Not only did the two share a lot of screen time with each other, but there were also some gutle and important callbacks. Here’s a look at why snakes come in The Rise Sk f Skyver There is a really important scene in the movie.
A return to the relationship between Ray and Kylo Ren
Kylo Ren, whose real name is Ben Solo, was tasked with finding Ren in the first movie. Naturally, she didn’t want to get caught, but other than that, it wasn’t a big enemy for her.
However, at the same time, Ray befriends Kyolo Ren’s father, Han Solo, and unfortunately, Ray sees Kyo Ren kill his own father. This turned them both into terrible enemies, and she hated him for this act.
In another movie, he even calls it a “murder snake” at one point. He still wants her to join him, but after the events of the second film, Ray believes she can turn him to her side. They eventually form a team, but in the end, neither of the two ends up joining.
However, Renee finally gets her wish through the third movie. After a dramatic fight, Ray inflicts a fatal wound on him, but immediately decides to heal him. This act of kindness, as well as the sight of her dead parents, eventually turned Kylo Ren into Ben Solo.
The snake that previewed all this
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And, as Star Wars fans on Reddit said, Snake in Scene The Rise Sk f Skyver It all predefined. Before Ray and Kilo Ray had a final duel with each other, Ray and his friends encountered a giant snake that seemed extremely dangerous.
However, Ren felt something was off. As it turned out, the snake was injured, and Ray decided to use force to heal the snake. This calmed the snake, and later the snake became innocent.
As Star Wars fans have said on Reddit, that snake scene precedes Rainy Healing Kyo Ren because Ray initially called him a “killer snake.” The Last Jedi.
In her eyes, it was a killer snake, however, when she realized he was a troubled man, she decided he could help her. And surely enough, after Ray helped him, Kylo Ren turned into a good person, just like how that snake turned into a harmless animal.
The snake scene was a preview of other things as well
While the movie’s snake scene preceded Ren’s renaissance of Kivo Ren, it also previewed a small act of kindness. After helping Ray Snake, BB-8 talks to him. Naturally, it’s not clear what he’s saying, but Ray simply told him, “I just transferred a little bit of life. You would have done the same. ”
Later in the movie, BB-8 meets a new droid friend called DO. In a few moments of the movie, the BB-8DO decides to give it some of its battery power. The scene shows that Renee’s kindness to the snake had an effect on BB-8, who decided to be kind to his new Droid friend.
This kind of healing goes full circle, while in one of the final scenes of the movie, Ray is fatally wounded, and Ben decides to take back his pity. He revived her and they kissed him, but he gave her all his vitality, and so, he dies.