The Times / CA poll also reported that Biden and Trump are tied in Georgia, with 45 percent each of potential voters, and a 3-point advantage over Biden Trump among 45-22 percent of potential voters in Iowa.
Trump won Georgia’s 1st electoral election by 5.7 percentage points. Republican presidential candidates have taken Georgia to every election since 1992, when Democrat Bill Clinton was the winner.
Iowa is a less credible Republican who recently backed Barack Obama’s Democratic presidential candidate in the 2012 re-election race. But Trump won the state’s six electoral votes in 2016 by 9.6 percentage points.
The Times / CA poll found that the Senate race in all three states, in which all sensitive Republicans are running for a second term, is equally competitive. Any contest could determine whether Democrats regain control of the chamber.
Texas Sen. John Cornin Democratic Challengers M.J. Hager has an over percentage point lead of over 43–37 percent. Georgia Sen. David Purdue led Democratic challenger John Osof by 3 points, 41-38 percent. And Iowa Sen. Johnny Ernst leaves Democratic challenger Theresa Greenfield 2 points, 40-42 percent behind.
The Times / CA poll was conducted September 16-22 and surveyed 523 Georgia potential voters, 501 Iowa potential voters and 653 Texas potential voters. Sample error margins are plus-or-minus 9. percent in Georgia, 99.9999 points in Iowa, and 3.3 points in Texas.