Images of Clare Crawley filming ‘The Bachelorette’

  • Images of Clare Crawley filming her season of High school.
  • The entire team wears masks, giving the public an idea of ​​what it looks like filming the show amid the coronavirus.

    Wondering what Clare Crawley’s next season will be High school are you going to see? Strangely weird, that’s what. ABC’s long-running reality show has just started filming Clare’s season after coronavirus-related production delays, and things already look different.. For one thing, the entire crew wears masks and tries to maintain social distance while Clare (who has no mask) runs towards the camera so I can only assume is his introductory video.

    It’s really surreal, so do yourself a favor and watch The Daily Mail.

    And as a reminder High school You are taking all kinds of precautions amid the global pandemic, starting with filming in one place: La Quinta Resort & Club in California. Clare and her boys will not leave the complex at all, and on top of that, they all get regular coronavirus tests. According to Reality Steve, the entire production (i.e. cast + crew) was tested on arrival, quarantined for a full week, and will continue to be tested at least every three days, if not more frequently.

    These kinds of measures make perfect sense considering that physical intimacy is such an important part of the show, so we hope everyone stays safe!

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