I’m a doctor and this is the sure sign that you have COVID

Eight months into the COVID-19 pandemic, and there is still much confusion about the symptoms of the highly contagious virus that has killed more than 820,000 people worldwide. But why? Researchers have identified a wide range of symptoms, including everything from dry cough and fever to early rashes and digestive problems. However, according to one doctor of infectious diseases, a cocktail of two symptoms can be a sure way to know that you are battling the virus. Read on, and to keep yourself and others safe during this pandemic, miss this essential list of the All certain characters you already have Coronavirus.

This doctor has calculated the percentages

Dr. Stephen Berger, double board certified in infectious disease and microbiology and the founder of GIDEON, the Global Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Network, explains Eat this, not that! Good health that he and his team worked with a “Computer Expert [Decision Analysis] System “designed to generate a list of diseases based on signs and symptoms. The list is ranked according to statistical probability.

While a small percentage of people experienced a single symptom – for example, just 5% only had a fever. However, when he ran simulations based on a combination of symptoms, he found that these were more frequent. In other words, most people have experienced more than one symptom.

The combination of fever, cough and serious illness, for example, suggests a 32% chance of COVID-19.

While loss of odor sensitivity was not in their database, he points out that it has the highest diagnostic sensitivity to COVID-19. “More than 75% of patients with the disease experience odor loss, often with loss of taste,” he says. “Some researchers put this figure as high as 98%” He also points out that these symptoms are very specific – occasionally occurring in other respiratory tract breaths – such as colds.

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The Sure Sign Coronavirus is these two symptoms

Knowing this, he concludes that if you have a combination of two symptoms, it is overwhelmingly likely that you are COVID positive.

“Loss of odor and fever is almost 100% accurate at diagnosis of COVID-19 in an adult,” he continues.

The highest “sign” for COVID-19 now? “Death,” he betrays. “41% of people who die of an infectious disease in the United States this week will have died from COVID-19.” The runners? Blood poisoning and bacterial pneumonia, each for 16%. As for yourself, avoid death at all costs: To get this pandemic on your health, do not miss it 37 places where you catch the most Coronavirus.