Illinois legislator seeks ban on Grand Theft Auto Toe game over rising carjacking

The Illinois state legislature wants to ban the sale of violent video games, including Grand Theft Auto Toe, as carjacking has increased in the state.

Democrat, Rip. Marcus Evans Jr., has introduced a bill that would amend the existing law prohibiting the sale of certain video games to minors. According to the Chicago Sun Times, their amendment would ban the sale of games on the subject, including “theft of a motor vehicle present with the driver or passengers.” It has yet to be improved Voted on.

There have been new discussions around the ban since carjacking among youth has only recently increased.

According to the Chicago Sun Times, Evans said the bill would ban the sale of certain types of games that promote activities that we are tolerating in our communities.

A 16-year-old man was arrested on Monday and charged with carjacking. A few days before the Fox 32 Chicago report, two 15-year-old children were arrested there and also charged with carjacking.

A former police officer was also jailed last week. The young offenders were found, but the officer said “T.Hey guys feel like they’re going to go right back, especially since they’re teenagers. “

The cause of violent acts among minors Video games are a hot topic, with some believing that a ban on violent video games for children would help reduce crime while others believe that video games do not contribute to aggressive acts in children.
