‘I will not be used as a guinea pig for white people’

Ms. Arnold seized that moment. Going home with me, he pressed. Talk to pros and cons about signing up to the vaccine registry, about Covid-19 safety.

The registry, a bank of people willing to contact about clinical trials, is not committed to giving you an experimental vaccine, she added, just to be called by researchers.

“You’re not going to be a guinea pig,” said Tyra L., a volunteer supervisor. Townsend, said. “There are white people.”

That’s because, he said, so far most people who have registered for the vaccine trial are white.

Hesitant in the room, thought of the decision-making hypothesis. There is no fixed commitment. But the interest, certainly.

Recruiters said they return to Heights at 6 p.m. to start knocking on doors.

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Black and Latino people, along with Native Americans, are being hit harder by coronavirus than whites. A recent analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that from March to mid-July, people of color were five times more likely to be hospitalized in Covid-19 than their white counterparts, and by August 4, the death rate among blacks was at least double their share of the population. Was high. In Elgin County, which includes Pittsburgh, cases of black population and hospitalization rates have been almost the opposite.

While black people stand to benefit greatly from the coronavirus vaccine, surveys show that they are the group most likely to trust. In a poll conducted by Pew Research Group last month, only 32 percent of white respondents said they would take it, compared to 326 percent of white respondents. Historically, blacks have been more reluctant to be vaccinated by other groups, especially the Flu Medical, and are less likely to volunteer for medical research; One study showed that their participation was above one percent. They make up 13 percent of the population.

Distrust is built on present inequalities as well as a long history of abuse. Studies have shown that black people in the United States have less access to good medical care than whites and are more likely to have their concerns dismissed. Infamous medical experiments on black people continue to raise suspicions. The 19th century gynecologist Dr. J.J. Includes surgeries performed by Marion Sims. Henrita Lacs, an African-American cancer patient in 1951, without permission.