Covid-1 cases continue to spread across the country, with many of us wondering when and if – the highly contagious and potentially deadly virus will never go away. According to a senior Yale pathologist, the answer is no. It will run with us “indefinitely”.
“It’s tail wagging, doesn’t end abruptly,” Sheldon Campbell, MD, Ph.D., Says Yale Medicine Laboratory Medicine Specialist and Professor of Laboratory Medicine at Yale School of Medicine Eat this, not that! Health. “I think the COVID-19 will be with us indefinitely.” Read on to find out what they are and to get this epidemic for your health, don’t miss these definite signs that the coronavirus you already have.
‘We are unable to eradicate it’.
Dr. Campbell explains that although the measles vaccine was developed in 1963 (modified in 1968 and MMR in ’71), it is “absolutely brilliant” and cannot be eradicated even after fifty years. “Covid is quite contagious, there are many asymptomatic cases to keep it in the population, so we will eradicate it like SARS.”
And while top researchers such as Francis Collins and Anthony Fawcett are optimistic that the vaccine will be ready in 2021, they point out that there are still many questions. “Will the vaccine be blocked or will it only reduce or limit symptoms? How many doses, how far? How effective will it be in preventing illness / death / transmission (the number of each varies; especially the last difficult). And very seriously, how many Will people take it? ”They ask.
As far as the testing field is concerned, there are many ideas for stimulating curiosity that can significantly improve the efficiency of testing – which can be incredibly beneficial as complementary approaches to controlling the virus. “Emerging technologies can build a self-administered test that can detect high viral loads (the most contagious state) around a dollar. They can’t detect every positive; but, perhaps, very contagious ones.”
The “potential-optimistic” view of the doctor
The best case scenario for achieving the “new normal” status is the “maybe-optimistic” scenario:
“The country’s figure is that, hey, the mask isn’t so horrible – it seems to be happening to a degree now. The current surge level is slowly declining and has decreased due to social distance, but the outbreak of infection continues in various places. “Probably more so winter is coming, vaccine trials are going well. A trip to cheaper, faster tests is also becoming available and vaccines are being used in populations without coverage. We detect patients early and reduce the level of disease seen in Europe.” That is to say, the outbreak is quickly contained, and the country is now slowly moving towards a ‘new normal’. “
How to avoid Covid-19
Do what scientists say: wear a face mask, get tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and parties at bars and houses), study social distance, just do the necessary work, wash your hands regularly, Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, and for this epidemic to go for your health, don’t miss this 37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.