Hyper Scape Open Beta Patch Notes: Crown Rush Only, Harpy SMG

Hyper scapeThe open beta came over the weekend and Ubisoft released a new patch for the game’s public debut. The patch added a few gameplay changes and balance adjustments, but it also has a new solo mode for players who want to jump into the 100-player battle royale on their own, rather than with a squad.

The biggest addition to the closed beta is Hyper scapeThe new Crown Rush Solo mode. The mode has the same features as Crown Rush Squad mode, such as random loot and shrinking map, but it eliminates squads of three players and pits 100 players against each other. Single modes are always a popular choice for Battle Royale players, so it’s no surprise that this new mode is now a permanent addition to the game.

As for the gameplay changes, the biggest update is the new Harpy weapon. The Harpy is a machine gun designed for high damage and very limited range. According to the patch notes, the Harpy is a force to be reckoned with closely, but if you are facing an enemy from a distance, you probably want to choose another weapon.

This patch also brings some changes to Hyper scapeIn-game events like Low Gravity will now last 35 seconds instead of 50 seconds. There is also a new event called Haste, which can only be triggered by a vote from the viewer. The Haste event accelerates each player in a match for a short time.

To see all the changes Ubisoft made in Hyper scape For the open beta, you can check out the full patch notes.

Hyper Scape open beta patch notes



Many of you asked when we would launch new weapons, here is the first one: The Harpy is an SMG capable of doing great damage at close range. It has a limited magazine at low fusion level but fast reload speed. Like other fully automatic weapons, it gains ammo capacity with each fusion and additional damage in the complete fusion.

The Harpy is intended to be a fast and mobile weapon, with no additional sprint / jump spread penalty.


  • Proximity detonation radius reduced to 0.7R, below 0.9R

The change in patch 0.2 damage (released during our technical test) showed positive effects, but the Salvo is still too dominant in close quarters or indoor combat situations. Although the intent of this weapon was always to be user friendly, we believe that it is currently overused in random carpet bombardment techniques.

The proximity blast radius will be reduced to make projectiles more avoidable in close combat. We will closely follow this change in the early days of open beta.


Shock wave (new)

With this patch, we are also introducing a new Hack: The Shockwave. This versatile Hack allows you to trigger an AoE shock wave remotely that will propel players in all directions.

Shockwave does a little less damage than Slam, but ranged looks open up new possibilities. It also offers a transverse ability if you aim at your feet, you will be sent flying through the air. Fusion will reduce its cooldown and full fusion will also add additional damage.

Shockwave is the fastest Hack currently, with a minimum cooldown of 4 seconds in full fusion.

Game events

Hurry (new)

A new Game Event has been added for Twitch Viewers through Crowncast Extension: The Haste Event. Once chosen by viewers, it will increase the browsing speed of all Contenders for a time. It is cumulative with any other speed increases given by Melee or any other ability and will also affect players with an echo.

Haste is exclusive to viewers – it can only be chosen by viewers watching the match with the Crowncast extension.

Low gravity

  • The duration of the low severity event was reduced to 35 seconds, instead of 50 seconds.

Low Gravity has been quite popular with viewers (perhaps less for Streamers) and has created many unexpectedly epic airborne combat moments. However, as with all good things, moderation is key. As we add new game events to the game rotation (as we are doing with Haste), Low Gravity will naturally emerge less frequently. Still, we think its current duration is a bit long and we’ve decided to reduce it for now, until more game events are added.

Please note, however, that this Game Event is for viewers only: Low Gravity can only occur when one or more Streamers are present in your game (or if you are a Streamer and your viewers like to see you fly).

Game mode and systems

Crown Rush Solo mode

Many of you enjoyed playing Solo Neo Arcadia during the Dark Haze Limited event of the Tech Trial. Here’s Crown Rush Solo, the 100-player solo version of our Crown Rush Battle Royale! Crown Rush Only now joins Crown Rush Squad as one of the standard Hyper Scape game modes.

The rules do not change, including the Crown. If you decide to do it, you will have to defend yourself!

Showdown and crown

  • The damage of the contracted sector is now x5 during the confrontation.
  • Crown wearer now has an overall Hack cooldown increase of + 33%.

We’ve read a lot of comments about possible feats or “cheesing” during the Showdown, when players run away with the Crown. We intended Showdown to be a tactical and intense moment, but we want to make sure that chasing the Crown bearer is not a frustrating experience. We also want to make sure that picking up the crown still offers a chance to win, if you play well and / or are well supported by your squad.

With this patch, we introduce new mechanics designed to rebalance the crown. We will closely monitor its effects in the game and quickly adjust if necessary to ensure Showdown is a fun and creative moment.

The damage of the collapsed sectors will increase dramatically during Showdown. You can still play on it, but only for a short time. We are also applying a debuff to the crown: As a crown wearer, you will still be able to use your hacks freely, but their cooldowns will increase, giving your opponents more opportunities to catch up.


  • Now only 4 ammo pads are needed to reach full ammo capacity, up from 6.

We’ve made collecting ammo more generous in-game. Fast-paced combat often leaves players low on ammo, and we think reaching full ammo capacity was a bit slow. We are still working to resolve the ammunition gap with the initial collection of weapons at the beginning of the game, but it is a first step.

The player’s maximum ammo capacity does not change, but they will now need fewer pills to reach it.

Arms exchange

  • Weapon Swap Hold Timer has been reduced to 0.5 seconds, down from 0.8 seconds.

The weapon swap (the action of swapping one of his two weapons with another on the ground) was too slow for multiple players (including Graeme, our producer, who happens to be a very persuasive person). We agree that the overall pace of the game requires more reactivity for players trying to adjust their load. While the exchange of weapons is still a HOLD interaction (to avoid involuntary exchanges), its duration has been reduced.

Please note that we are only reducing the duration of the HOLD interaction. The weapon swap animation does not change, but be aware that it is interruptible: if you fire or enter ADS, you will be interrupted instantly.

Also, several of you suggested using the same swap menu used for hacks for weapons. We will continue to monitor this aspect of the game in the future.

Crowncast contraction extension

Twitch Battle Pass Progress (New)

Viewers on Twitch will now be able to progress their Battle Pass simply by looking at their favorite transmitters! If you are watching Hyper Scape broadcasts that have activated the Crowncast extension and linked your Uplay account, you will be able to claim battle points at the end of each game. Thanks to the Crowncast version of our in-game scoring system, the more you watch and interact with the game, the more points you will earn. Battle points and all unlocked items will be available as soon as you return to Hyper Scape.

We have set a daily limit on the maximum number of Battle Points you can earn by watching on Twitch, to ensure that playing is the best way to level up. However, we’ll keep a close eye on this limit and the points earned to make sure it feels rewarding to watch Hyper Scape on Twitch.

Important note for console players: While Open Beta is only available for PC, you can use Crowncast Battle Pass progression to unlock all items contained in OB Battle Pass, which will be available in your account when we launch on the Console, thanks to our cross progression system. So go watch streamers on Twitch and unlock all the exclusive Open beta rewards!

Streamer Squad Invitations

Thanks to the Crowncast extension, streamers can now invite viewers directly to their 3-player squad with a few clicks. If you are watching a Hyper Scape broadcast, the transmitter can send you an invitation. If you’re signed in to the game, you can accept that invitation, and if confirmed by Streamer, you’ll be joining your squad instantly! No need to use the Uplay Buddy interface!


New content to unlock

  • New Free Battle Pass with 30 levels, including exclusive and cosmetic items that players will keep after the Open Beta.
  • This BP includes Twitch Prime rewards – you must be a Twitch Prime member to unlock them.
  • Daily Shop is now open! Any content purchased during Open Beta will, of course, remain in your inventory at full launch.

A new free Battle Pass with 30 levels is available to unlock exclusive Open Beta items. All items are brand new compared to technical test. You can level up the Battle Pass by playing matches and completing challenges, but don’t forget that now you can also level up on Twitch by watching streamers with the Crowncast extension.

Console Players: Remember that the Twitch Battle Pass progression works for you too!

Anti fraud

Prohibition of hardware identification

Starting with this Open Beta, any user that BattlEye detects is using game hacks or cheat programs will have their Ubisoft account automatically banned from the game, and their PC will also receive a Hardware ID Ban to prevent them from returning to Hyper Scape. with another account.

Other improvements

Revive Bug

Players in the technical test probably noticed a problem when trying to revive teammates where the action is not completed. In fact, it is a two-part problem, one related to the specific geometric positioning of the restoration point and the other to the action itself interrupted. This patch addresses positioning error, and the other will be addressed in a future update.

Streaming textures

The transmission of textures in weapons and characters was enabled to avoid memory problems.

Global texture transmission memory pools adjusted to avoid out of memory problems.


Charge timeout reduced from 90 seconds to 60 seconds (players should be spending less time in the Lobby now).

Other solutions

Fixed an issue where players were receiving an invalid “orchid-C015” issue when entering Matchmaking.

Fixed various client and server crashes observed during the Tech Test.