Huge ‘Borderlands 3’ patch gives missionary weapons, removes 21 anointings, updates manufacturer

Things have been quiet in Borderlands 3 for a while, but that’s only because Gearbox was preparing a pretty huge patch for the game to be released today. While it’s not about nerfs or fans for characters or weapons, there are some huge changes anyway, and I want to go through all of them here.

Legendary Maker

Since there is literally nothing to do with Eridium, there is now a legendary alternate firing mode at the manufacturer that now gives 1-3 Legendary for 250 Eridium. I think I have something like 8K Eridum in many characters, so that would be what, legendary 32 to 96 for the entire stack, depending on how many fall. I guess it can’t hurt, though it seems likely it’s just the general loot group, not boss legendary, not DLC legendary. However, I’m going to give it a try, and I guess it’s better than nothing.

Crazy Earl Mission Rewards

Speaking of new relevance, you will now have a reason to visit Crazy Early again, or at least your Veteran Rewards vending machine. Apparently, he’ll sell all the past mission reward weapons you’ve unlocked there, and I’m guessing they’ll match your current level, so those hoping to get those few old mission rewards to the max will now have a way to do it. This is a great idea.

Legendary Equipment in Vending Machines

Just an update to sometimes put legends on vending machines so they’re not 100% irrelevant.

Chests and Badass upgrade

Drop rates for both chests and tough enemies have been improved. I didn’t think they were particularly bad before in Mayhem 10, but we’ll see what this is like now.

Loot Boss and Reappearances

Gearbox has changed loot groups for all bosses and has made a long list of minibosses that you can now cultivate on repeat through respawn. Here is the list:

  • Garbage truck
  • gravedigger
  • Mince
  • Buttmunch and Trufflemunch
  • Sheega
  • Rohner
  • Rax
  • Max
  • Archer rowe
  • Bloodshine
  • Muldock the Anointed
  • Sagebrush
  • Apollo
  • Goofy king
  • King gnasher
  • Anointed X2
  • Anointed X3
  • Anointed X4
  • Azalea
  • Preston

Suppression of anointing

This could be the biggest change of the entire patch, so I’m sorry to bury it that low. Gearbox has reviewed and removed 21 of the worst anointings from the game. These are the ones that are significantly worse than everyone else, including the ones in the air and the gliders, or the ones that just can’t compete like the Cyber ​​Spike or the Cartel’s Healing Pool. Ones like infinite ammo after Iron Bear, 5% movement speed after ASE, almost all of which offer no amount of utility or damage at all. There are many

So this is good news, as it will now be much easier to find the anointings you are looking for. I wish Gearbox had figured out a way to enhance this and maybe even alter some of the others to create better diversity that isn’t just 100-300% damage enhancement for all the best anointings, but I guess this is it. a way to do it At a certain point, you can’t increase handling or firing speed enough so that they can compete with the damage perks no matter what. This has me a little worried about the power boost, but whatever it is, it will probably be an overall improvement.

Beyond this, there are a lot of bug fixes and possibly some nerfs for some abilities for Zane and Moze that were doing too much damage at higher chaos levels, but the details are not listed, so I’m curious to know what was happening. there. .

Overall, a great patch with some solid improvements. We hope to hear about a new event soon.

To update: Gearbox has also released a new calendar for upcoming events that you can see below. Cartels does not appear to arrive until September. And by then, it may almost be time for the next DLC. So things seem to be slowing down a bit.

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