How to remove titles from the Netflix ‘Continue Watching’ category

There’s always a new Netflix series to start once you’re done with the one you’re currently taking, but with so many options, there are bound to be some you won’t stick with. But You still have to see them take up space in your tail, and that’s annoying.

Fortunately, Netflix is ​​now making it easier to remove items from your “Keep Watching” feed so you can narrow down that list to just what you really want to see with just a few taps.

The new quick delete feature works immediately, but it’s only available on Android smartphones and tablets right now and iOS sometime in the future. Cyou hang what do you doThe “Continue viewing” row in the mobile app will apply to all devices on which you use your Netflix account.

(Yet another reason to let your friends, especially those with Android phones, “borrow” your account for the day, right?)

How to remove a title from the “Continue Viewing” row in the Netflix Android app

  1. Open the Netflix app on your Android phone or tablet.
  2. Scroll down to the “Continue Viewing” row.
  3. Scroll until you see a movie or series you want to delete, then press and hold the title thumbnail until the quick selection menu appears.
  4. Tap “Delete from row” at the bottom of the quick selection menu.

That’s it: the item will be removed from “Continue viewing”.

Delete “Continue viewing” titles via

Since the quick menu option is only available to Android users at the time of writing, we will show you another way to remove things from the “Continue viewing” row by hiding it in the activity feed of your profile. This only works on desktop computers and takes up to 24 hours to take effect, but it’s the only other option for non-Android (and soon not iOS) users.

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  1. Open in a desktop browser.
  2. Login to your account.
  3. Click on your profile icon to open the Account page, then go to Profile and Parental Controls and select the profile from which you want to remove the activity.
  4. Go Activity display> Activity.
  5. Click on the “/” icon next to a title to hide it. This removes it from the “Continue viewing” row and all other activity sources. You can also click “Hide all” to remove all observation activity for the selected profile.
  6. Confirm any changes if requested. Hidden content must leave your “Keep Watching” feed within 24 hours.
